Xbox 360
SSX Revives Franchise with New Playable Demo (Video)
EA Sports has released the SSX demo as gamers will experience the revamped franchise snowboarding through gorgeously rendered mountain slopes and landscapes. The demo is available for Xbox Live Arcade and PSN on February 21, 2012. Recently, SSX debuted with five new breathtaking trailers about the upcoming reboot that showcased gameplay action which allow gamers to explore terrains in all directions.
SCREENSHOTS: Far Cry 3 Offers Action and Exploration
Game Developer Ubisoft brings a new style of FPS games through its Far Cry series. Their latest title, Far Cry 3, will be a combination of the open-world gameplay from Far Cry 2 mixed with a richer visual experience. Producers of the game worked to maintain the same element that drew so many fans to the Far Cry franchise by allowing players to explore and allowing the game's AI to adapt to the gameplay style.
SCREENSHOTS: Diablo 3, Four Years in the Making?
Blizzard's highly anticipated action RPG title Diablo 3 have made headlines with delay announcements which has stretched development to nearly 4 years since its announcement in 2008. Fans have become impatient, but the expectations and hype for its release has never been higher.
Syndicate, the new title from EA and Starbreeze coming out next month, has released some updated screenshots. The new visuals showcases some beautifully rendered levels and a glimpse of some heavy artillery gamers will utilize in the game. Syndicate will be available on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC on February 21, 2012.
Sydicate Video Trailer Prepare Fans for Game's Launch
EA has released the latest trailer for Syndicate, which will hit stores February 21, 2012. The company first opened up the co-op multiplayer demo version which can be downloaded via the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Now EA is gearing up for the game's release and have made the latest video available for fans.
Sega Releases Binary Domain Playable Demo and New Multiplayer Video
Gamers who wishes to get their hands on the latest Binary Domain demo can start downloading it on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. The PSN demo is already available as well as a video trailer demonstrating the multiplayer mode. Sega's Binary Domain is a third person shooter revolving around a world where humans and artificial intelligent indistinguishably exist, similar to the films Blade Runner, AI, or Surrogates.
Guns, Guns, and More Guns. Max Payne 3 Release Screenshots of Dual Weapons
Max Payne fans who learned about the game's announced delays can find some comfort today. More screenshots of Max Payne 3 were released by Rockstar Games showcasing Max and co. wielding dual weapons. The latest images give gamers a glimpse of the different weapon combinations and action gameplay that's in store for one of the most anticipated titles this year. More guns means more firepower, and by looking at the vivid frames seen in the screenshots, Rockstar is looking to inject some more e...
Sleeping Dogs Rises From the Dead with New Video Trailer
Square Enix announced that they will be working hard on their latest title 'Sleeping Dogs." The news has downed any rumors that the company's next game was a Kane and Lynch sequel.
Max Payne 3 Console and PC Delayed, Rockstar Explains Why
Fans of Rockstar Game's upcoming Max Payne 3 have many questions but one important one is when will the title have a confirmed release date. The company provided some answers for that and a number of other inquiries such as the PC version availability.
Hollywood's Rosario Dawson and Brian Cox Join Syndicate Voice Cast
The latest voice actors to join the upcoming video game 'Syndicate' will be actress Rosario Dawson, actor Brian Cox, and Michael Wincott. EA and Starbreeze sent out a press release confirming the voice actors and their characters. The new actors will be playing characters Lily Drawl, voiced by Dawson, Jack Denham, voiced by Cox, and Jules Merit, voiced by Wincott. The characters are immersed in a futuristic world of corporate conspiracy surrounded by high tech prototype agents.
Mass Effect 3 FemShep Cosplay (Photos)
Mass Effect 3's latest female commander "FemShep" has made her debut via the game's video trailer. Excitement is brewing as the newest character will be playable in Bioware's upcoming RPG epic. Fans who have wished to play as a female Shephard can now lead a team towards defeating the Reaper's invasion. Popularity of Mass Effect's FemShep has spread out not only on game consoles but in reality through cosplay.
Mass Effect 3: Commander FemShep Stars in New "Reinstated" Trailer
Bioware gave its fans a glimpse of the Mass Effect 3's newest female hero "FemShep." The Female Sheppard video trailer displays the game's latest selectable character for the single player campaign. The trailer named "Reinstated," showcases an edgy redhead heroine commander who faces off the Reaper invasion with action packed explosions, gunfights, and high tech vehicles.
Activision Plans for Battleship Launch
Activision is going to launch a video game with Hasbro based on the famous board game Battleship later this May. The platform of this game will be made for PlayStation 3, Xbox360, Nintendo DS and the Nintendo 3DS. The video game is based on a board game whcih will later become a sci-fi film produced by Univeral Pictures. The video game version will unite "tactical naval warfare" with first-person shooter action.
2K Sports Announces MLB 2K12/NBA 2K12 Combo Pack
Sports fans to hit home runs and hardwood with great offer exclusively for Xbox 360
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Industry-Leading Gaming Headset Manufacturer Posts Record Growth, Takes IGN's "Best Gaming Hardware" Honors at CES 2012