Bioware gave its fans a glimpse of the Mass Effect 3's newest female hero "FemShep." The Female Sheppard video trailer displays the game's latest selectable character for the single player campaign. The trailer named "Reinstated," showcases an edgy redhead heroine commander who faces off the Reaper invasion with action packed explosions, gunfights, and high tech vehicles.
Last summer, Bioware confirmed that a trailer revealing Mass Effect 3's newest Shepard as the company decided to feature both a male and female version. After receiving votes from fans, the company designed the red head commander who is garnering much buzz as the game approaches its release date in March. According to David Silverman, Marketing Director for Bioware, FemShep and the male Commander Shepard will grace the box covers in a Collector's Edition version. The special Mass Effect 3 N7 Edition will include bonus content such as a special ending, unlockable items content packs, a Dark Horse comic book, hardcover artbook, music soundtrack, lithograph, and N7 patch.
Thanks to FemShep, the humans will look to pick up its popularity as Mass Effect gamers can choose to play various race groups within the campaigns. Players can choose from playing the Asari, considered to be the game's most influential race, Geth, a more villanous robot race, Krogan, and Batarians.
The epic RPG trilogy plans to release Mass Effect 3 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on March 6, 2012.
Watch the Trailer: