After months of anticipation, the latest WhatsApp update finally brings the video calling feature to the iOS, Android and Windows OS platforms. Apparently, the company stays true to their mission; to make family and friend connections more worthwhile while using the free and popular WhatsApp application.
In a Blog Post from WhatsApp, they revealed the true reason why they finally created the WhatsApp video calling feature; because text and calls are not enough. Part of the blog post says, "Today we're excited to announce the next step in our efforts to connect people - WhatsApp video calling. In the coming days, WhatsApp's more than one billion users can make video calls across Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone devices."
The value of being able to see your love ones, without the added cost of network services is what the latest WhatsApp update want its users to know. The post also promises, the WhatsApp video calling service will be available to everyone and not just to those who can afford better network service or people with high end mobile phones.
Apparently, it took years for the company to decide, whether to bring the WhatsApp video calling feature to the application. But according to the blog, they listen to what their users have to say, and they work on bringing what's best in the service.
Now, the requests have been heard and the company is working on bringing the WhatsApp video calling feature to the masses. Currently, there's a beta test available for the video calling feature. Once the WhatsApp update is final, it will be launched on the App and Play Store for everyone to try it.
WhatsApp has over one billion users worldwide; enabling the WhatsApp video calling feature will delight that amount of people who waited years for the feature to arrive. For more news and update about the latest WhatsApp update, read us here on GameNGuide.