
Prince William News & Update: Kate Middleton's Husband Makes History; Graces The Cover Of An LGBT Magazine [VIDEO]

Prince William News & Update: Kate Middleton's Husband Makes History; Graces The Cover Of An LGBT Magazine [VIDEO]

It is the first time in history that a royal highness graced the cover of an LGBT magazine. Prince William appeared on the front cover of Attitude Magazine and talked about homophobic bullying.

Prince William opened up the doors of Kensington Palace to listen to LGBT's cries over homophobic bullying on Thursday, according to Attitude Magazine.

The Duke of Cambridge invited Attitude magazine to tackle other LGBT issues, like bi-phobic and transphobic bullying and its effect on someone's mental health.

 "No one should be bullied for their sexuality. Don't put up with it. Be proud of the person you are." The Duke of Cambridge is on the cover of the next issue of @attitudemag speaking out against bullying. In early May 2016, His Royal Highness met with a group of young LGBT people convened by @attitudemag at Kensington Palace to listen to their experiences of bullying, and the mental health impacts it can have. The fight against bullying is a key priority of The Duke's work. His Royal Highness recently established a taskforce on the prevention of cyberbullying, and is leading the Heads Together campaign on mental health and wellbeing along with The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry

A photo posted by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Jun 15, 2016 at 2:03am PDT

Attitude Editor Matthew Todd made the conversation between the two parties possible and after that, Prince William sit for the cover of the LGBT magazine.

After the husband of Kate Middleton posed for the photographer Leigh Keily, he released a statement about LGBT to the mag, as per People.

"No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason," Prince William said. "No one should have to put up with the kind of hate that these young people have endured in their lives."

Moreover, Kensington Palace admitted that the father of Prince George and Princess Charlotte has been moved by the stories of the LGBT community.

There were nine LGBT members that met Prince William and confessed that they suffered little self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, depression and drug addiction because of homophobic bullying, BBC News reported.

However, Prince William admired the LGBT people he met as they displayed a real brave attitude by showing other gay, lesbian and transgender individuals hope to fight homophobic bullying.

"Their sense of strength and optimism should give us all encouragement to stand up to bullying wherever we see it," Prince William described.

Prince William advised the LGBT people who are suffering from homophobic bullying to seek help, either to a professional or a trusted friend to get the proper help they need.

Meanwhile, Prince William's appearance on Attitude Magazine came after the tragic mass shooting at the Orlando gay club, Pulse. This, too, is part of his efforts for the mental health campaign he and her wife Kate Middleton are pursuing with his brother, Prince Harry.

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