
'Pokemon GO' Guide: How To Boost Pokemons With Multi-finger Press Technique; South Korea Finally Experiences Hype

'Pokemon GO' Guide: How To Boost Pokemons With Multi-finger Press Technique; South Korea Finally Experiences Hype

"Pokemon GO" gamers have discovered a new way to upgrade Pokemons, although a lot of them say it could have been in the game since the was released in June 2016.  

"Pokemon GO" Newest Pokemon Upgrade Technique

The players, first and foremost, should have a large smartphone display so as to accommodate the multiple fingers needed to touch the "Pokemon GO" button at once. The referred button is the Power Up, which sits just below each of the Pokemons. The upgrade is not an exploit, or at least not in the main part of the whole process, Digital Trends reported.

When "Pokemon GO" players tap the Power Up with the use of multiple fingers, the gameplay will react as if it was pressed a couple of times. Players may want to use this method when they want to save time in leveling up a Pokemon, even beyond the monster's usual level cap.

Pokemons who are in level 22 could only be boosted to 23.5. However, with the multiple fingers method, the level 22 may be powered up to 24 instead of just 23.5.

In each of the instance that a Pokemon is boosted, the monster grows half level. Although making it boosted half a level more will not make a significant contribution to the gameplay, this will still confirm that a gamer can be the best he could be in the field.

"Pokemon GO" Finally In South Korea

"Pokemon GO" is now in South Korea. Through social media, Niantic announced the launch, urging smartphone users to stand up and go. In the newest region participant, the newest update is the addition of Korean language, which is version 1.23.2 in iOS and version 0.53.2 in Android devices.

The launch of "Pokemon GO" in South Korea has been a great challenge given the country's no use of Google Maps, Gamespot reported. The same reason is also pointed out as the cause of delay in China's roll-out.

"Pokémon Go" Gamers Flock to Sokcho, South Korea


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