iPhone 7 Plus Experiencing Serious Problem

iPhone 7 Plus Experiencing Serious Problem

On the off chance that you've recently unwrapped a sparkling new iPhone 7 Plus, then maybe you would be advised to investigate the camera.As a few clients are reporting an issue which must be settled by replacing the handset.

The issue is by all accounts identified with the phone's camera hardware. In a string on Reddit entitled iPhone 7 Plus Cameras are Dying, Redditor teryakiwok posts: "I opened up the camera application just to be met with a dark picture see, here and there I can get a picture, however, it's either tinted green or purple and was once joined by a screen expressing 'Crisis iPhone necessities to chill off' when the handset wasn't even marginally warm."

Other thread members have been encountering a similar issue: Some have had their mobile phones supplanted or replaced by Apple due to a 'hardware fault', while a couple has had their iPhones repaired at the Genius bar by the installation of another camera module. So it shows up Apple is secretly recognizing the blame, however, no public articulation has been made.

In the event that you see any of the signs portrayed above, it's unquestionably worth a trek to the Genius bar at the earliest possible as it gives off an impression of being a known issue keeping in mind it can be repaired, it's certainly be pushing for a substitution telephone. It doesn't resemble this is an issue you can settle yourself.

Have you been encountering similar issues with your iPhone 7 Plus? This absolutely isn't the only main issue iPhones are enduring right at this point.

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