Gaming Computer Rules, News & Update: Things to Consider When Shopping for Gaming Rig - Part 3

Gaming Computer Rules, News & Update: Things to Consider When Shopping for Gaming Rig - Part 3

Gamers can go with really long list of criteria when choosing the best gaming computer for them but all it really takes is common sense. We have outlined the cardinal rules when choosing a gaming computer and we have more. So without much ado, here is the third in our guide to excellent gaming experience.

Random Access Memory, RAM or simply memory is a very tempting avenue. It can't be explained but gamers have the tendency to slap the biggest possible RAM in their gaming computers. The truth is, extra RAM doesn't help much in making the gaming computer lightning fast. Hardware Secrets narrated the rationale that VRAM and decent graphics card is more essential.

Consider this argument: when the purpose of having a gaming computer is to run "Fallout 4," "The Witcher 3" or "Grand Theft Auto V" - they require 8GB RAM on tops. While HowToGeek suggests 16GB is sufficient to make them run smoothly with too much allowance so why go for 32GB RAM? Remember our primary rule to never waste money on unnecessary hardware.

Now here is a funny mistake that happens all the time when shopping for gaming computer; people think that Windows comes with the hardware. All the fancy components and top of the line components aren't going to sing in an orchestra if there is no licensed Windows operating system in it. Be ready to shell out more on this OS which costs at about $65 up so plan the budget ahead. Of course, a gamer can opt to watch the hardware daily until his next salary when he can purchase Windows and actually fire up the gaming computer.

So now we come to conclusion in our guide towards efficiently choosing our gaming computer. Make no mistake about it because it is a daunting task that needs careful planning. At least GameNGuide provides an insight and things to mind. Did you made a checklist? It's time to avoid the holiday rush and start looking for those hardware.

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