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Angelina Jolie's Political Advisers Has A Brand Name of 'Two Witches' After Being The Reason For Jolie-Pitt Divorce

Angelina Jolie's Political Advisers Has A Brand Name of 'Two Witches' After Being The Reason For Jolie-Pitt Divorce

After Angelina decided to get a divorce with Brad Pitt, the ex-couple has been a total fiasco. The two starting to expose left and right revelations and now, a lot of names are involved. The most recent rumors escalated is the two political advisors of Angie who referred as to "wicked witches," after their meddling behavior.

The ex-couple that has once been tagged as "the most powerful couple" has recently making headlines and reports in the tabloids, exposing their dark vicious secrets and unpleasant past. According to a report obtained by Mirror, rumors suggests that the 48-year-old Baroness Arminka Helic and the 38-year-old Chloe Dalton, the former adviser of Willam Huge has interfered and drove a wedge between the lovely couple.

Angelina has worked with the two pertaining on the philanthropic UN efforts. The three even have a foundation that named after their initial name, JP.D.H (Jolie-Pitt Dalton Helic) foundation. Last year seems to be odd that the two political advisers have slowly turning Angelina away from Brad.

According to an old staff of the couple revealed: "The three are in an alliance together and it is Brad who loses out." Further claimed that Angelina is intoxicating and a seductress of the highest level. The other staff said that "If you went up to most of the people who worth with the family and you mentioned two witches, everyone knew who is you're referring too," The Sun has reported.  

The staffs gave the same suggestion that the end game of the two supposed political advisers turned witch-advisers, is to support Angie and doesn't don't pay to regard the impact it will have on to Brad's life. Dalton and Helic just lived yards apart from London and back in 2012, the three begun working together.

Rumors suggest that the two has already traveled into L.A numerous times, where Angie and Brad lived. Even claimed that the two has joined the family in Thailand. Poor Pitt, as he is likely to spend Christmas alone as the bitter custody battle still continues. 

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