Nintendo Switch Latest News & Update: NIntendo's Mysterious Dock Boosts Resolution for TV, Gaming Monitor

Nintendo Switch Latest News & Update: NIntendo's Mysterious Dock Boosts Resolution for TV, Gaming Monitor

Nintendo Switch remains as the most enigmatic piece of hardware in the gaming world and much question reside in its dock. Gamers are asking what exactly does it provide for the whole array of inter-connectible Nintendo Switch merchandise.

To recall, GameNGuide discussed that Nintendo Switch plans to sell merchandise separately. Meaning, portable monitor, controllers, docking station and other mighty not come in one complete package on release. While gamers have a solid idea about portable tablet-like monitor, the Nintendo Switch dock itself is a subject of much speculations.

Who provides another perspective for this Nintendo Switch dock is no other than perpetual whistleblower Laura Kate Dale. She Tweeted that this dock provides additional boost to the console. This effect can be achieved when the portable monitor was docked through USB-C connector, Switch News reported.

Nintendo Switch will then run at higher clock speed to qualify for higher resolution display. On the contrary, the tab-like portable display runs at much lower resolution. Come to think of it, some laptops get the same effect when they are plugged in so Nintendo Switch might have been using the same analogy.

Dale also disclosed that Nintendo Switch dock is lightweight and doesn't come with the whole package but sold separately for a cheap price. It makes sense because Nintendo announced earlier that they intend to make the console run with different monitor. Meaning, gamers can carry their Nintendo Switch across different rooms with various TV sets or monitors, LetsPlayViveoGames reported.

Meanwhile, another guess is that Nintendo Switch titles like "Zelda: Breath of the Wild" runs somewhere at 30 FPS when using the portable monitor. When docked, there is a cooling system and booster to make it at 60 FPS tops. This will qualify even for high-definition monitors, making Nintendo Switch as full-pledge gaming console by then.

Make no mistake about it, Nintendo Switch will sell at tempting price point, says the manufacturer. Since it combines portability with mid-range power, gamers will surely delve when it hits the road on March next year.

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