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‘Stars Wars’ Episode 8 Release Date, News & Update: New Script Leaked! Rey the Daughter of Luke or Obi-Wan? Jedi Order Restored?

‘Stars Wars’ Episode 8 Release Date, News & Update: New Script Leaked! Rey the Daughter of Luke or Obi-Wan? Jedi Order Restored?

Fans of the galaxy far, far away would be very much delighted to hear that a script for "Star Wars" Episode 8 has been leaked online, with Luke Skywalker telling Rey that she will be rekindling the fire.

Rey, I am Your Father

The leaked "Star Wars" Episode 8 script shows that Rey actually has a crucial role to play in the entire "Star Wars" franchise. With the cliffhanger of "Star Wars" Episode 7 where Rey gave Luke's lightsaber back to him, many fans are now speculating on whether the two main characters are actually related by blood. They even went as far as to theorizing that Luke is actually Rey's father.

However, there are conflicting "Star Wars" Episode 8 theories stating that Rey could also be the daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Another line from the leaked script may also imply that Rey could potentially become a Jedi eventually.

Trailer Delayed?

With the "Star Wars" spin-off "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" set to premiere on December 16, many hardcore fans have been expecting the "Star Wars" Episode 8 to be released soon. However, if the information on the leaked script are precise, then the trailer would be released on 2017.

Leak Sources

YouTuber Mike Zeroh was the one who released the leaked "Star Wars" Episode 8 script. He then claims that it came from four different sources, with half being very reliable. However, as with all leaks and theories, these should still be taken with a grain of salt, as the lines in the script might not actually make it in the final cut of the movie.

For the fans of the "Star Wars" franchise though, this gives rise to a new hope, as the line from Luke Skywalker to Rey actually makes a lot of sense. This could mean that "Star Wars" Episode 8 will see Rey unlocking the forgotten power of the force, or even restoring the Jedi order back.

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