DELL News & Update: New Partner With EMC; Specs & Features Set To Surpass Asus Devices?

DELL News & Update: New Partner With EMC; Specs & Features Set To Surpass Asus Devices?

Dell EMC President Marius Haas said the company's new partner program will draw inspiration from "Dell's Economic Incentives" and EMC's hard deck model for partner engagement.

"The new partner program will take effect Feb. 1 and place tremendous emphasis on driving activity across multiple lines of business and providing solutions across the entire data center."-As claimed by Marius Haas during an interview in Ingram Micro ONE.

"We have an unbelievable opportunity to take the best of both programs and now create one single industry best-in-class program."- Added by Marius Haas.

While "Dell EMC" received positive feedback from partners about Dell's economics and the simplicity of EMC's hard deck program; which establishes a revenue threshold under which all deals must be done through the channel. Marius Haas admitted that partners indicated Dell's engagement model was unpredictable and that some of the economics around EMC's partner program had eroded over time.

Although various details around the new partner program won't start being communicated until December; simplicity, predictability and profitability will serve as the guiding principles. "Dell and EMC" have been maintaining separate partner programs since the blockbuster $58 billion acquisition closed in early September.

 "Dell EMC plans to look holistically across its entire set of products and services and ensure that there's clear financial incentive for partners to increase the amount of business they're doing with the company."-As stated by Marius Haas.

 Dell EMC will be proscriptive with its sales force, providing tremendous clarity around how they should approach different types of partner accounts and ensuring they're channel-led.

Dell has spent $12.5 billion on research and development since it went private than what IBM and "Hewlett Packard Enterprise" have spent between them. Being privately owned has made it easier for Dell to focus on creating long-term value rather than having to optimize its performance for short-term, 90-day cycles.

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