"Girl Meets World," a sequel to "Boy Meets World," first aired in 2014 on Disney Channel that ran on ABC for about seven years. Rumors are doing rounds that the original cast members are likely to be replaced in "Girl Meets World" Season 4 as Disney is looking for younger stars.
The story of "Girl Meets World" revolves around Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard), the daughter of Cory (Ben Savage) and Topanga Matthews (Danielle Fishel), and her best friend Maya Hart (Sabrina Carpenter). Over the years "Girl Meets World" has garnered substantial followers.
"Girl Meets World" writer's room Twitter post "Goodbye", has prompted many to believe that its high time for the original cast members Rowan Blanchard and Sabrina Carpenter and they are giving way to new faces in "Girl Meets World" season 4. It is believed that Disney considers the original stars of the show too old for their roles in the show.
This made fans conclude that the network seems to be in conflict with reality. It is a fact that the followers that would be interested to find out what happens to the young girl Sabrina as she matures in "Girl Meets World" Season 4. Blanchard, who plays the role of Riley Matthews in the series, admits she is afraid to stay in Disney Channel. The report says she does not want to be compared to Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato who all had notable histories in the channel.
After the speculations that "Girl Meet World" is on the brink of cancellation, Chatt Sports Net mentioned that Freeform, a subsidiary network of Disney Channel, as the network who will take responsibility in the continuation of the "Girl Meets World" Season 4. Freeform has an audience of the age bracket between 14 to 34 years old. This time the story could revolve around the characters' lives after high school.
For now, it's a "wait and see" game for "Girl Meets World." As for the current season, it is going to air until 2017.