With the upcoming penultimate season of "Game of Thrones," many fans are expecting to learn the fate of beloved characters in the TV adaptation of George RR Martin's novels. For Bran Stark and Meera Reed, exciting things will happen to the two characters in the HBO series' Season 7, according to Ellie Kendrick.
"Game of Thrones" cast member Kendrick recently shared some interesting insights about Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright), as well as her character Meera. In an interview with MTV, the actress revealed how much she loved Bran's storyline in the HBO series. Described as a young boy who found himself in the middle of a political war, Bran grew up to become a Greenseer with the power to see past and future events.
Bran's unique capabilities and the way that he will use them will be one of the exciting plot developments in "Game of Thrones" Season 7, according to Kendrick. Despite the paraplegic's physical limitations, the new Three Eyed Raven has a strong mind. The actress stated, "He has these incredible powers to unleash ... He looks small and weak, and yet he's got this immense strength and capability of mind."
As for Meera, Bran's protector will be loyal to the Greenseer and supportive of his mission to uncover the secrets locked inside weirwood trees. Kendrick even described her character as Bran's bodyguard who will do everything to keep the new Three Eyed Raven safe. With the Reed's fierce loyalty to the Starks, Meera will continue her family's duty even if it meant fighting White Walkers in "Game of Thrones" Season 7.
Kendrick also made a similar statement in an interview with Blastr where she recounted the memorable "Hodor" scene and other details. When asked why Meera decided to remain by Bran's side, the actress explained that her character is the type of person who keeps her promises despite overwhelming odds.
"Game of Thrones" Season 7 is expected to premiere in summer 2017 on HBO. Watch a clip of Meera and Bran's arrival near the Wall as shown during the Season 6 finale: