Since "One Punch Man" season 1 first release in 2015, anime fans suddenly got hooked to its quirky humor by main protagonist, Saitama. It has been a long time since the popular anime has ever had a following and there has been reports that the creator is preparing "One Punch Man" season 2 with Saitama returning to be the villain.
Saitama Becomes Main Antagonist In 'One Punch Man' Season 2?
According to rumors, Saitama will be involved in a love triangle between S-Class hero, Tatsumaki and her sister Fubuki, which is a B-Class hero. With that said, the love triangle will have a negative effect in the main protagonist's feelings. Which will result in a struggle in Saitama's duties as a hero in "One Punch Man" season 2.
The rumor further explains that in "One Punch Man" season 2, Saitama will be attacking villains, despite the hero's emotional state and might be defeated. However, fans should take the rumor with a grain of salt in the report and wait for official announcement regarding the speculation.
Meanwhile, it has been stated that Murata Yusuke is recently at works of "One Punch Man" season 2. The creator also added that he will be working hard to get "One Punch Man" season 2 on the air next year.
There are also reports that "One Punch Man" season 2 would be named "Hero Hunter Arc" and with the name change, characters would also have little tweaks as well, especially main antagonist Garaou, will be named "Human Monster." Garaou's powers is somewhat similar to the protagonist in a way that the antagonist obtains its powers through constant training, which is the same thing Saitama does.
As of now, fans will just have to be patient for an official statement from the creator himself and what will become of "One Punch Man" season 2. For more "One Punch Man" news and update stay tuned to Gamenguide!