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'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Release Date, Cast, Plot, News & Update: Another Villain Hinted, Too Many Bad Guys in One Move? Ned Leeds Confirmed

'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Release Date, Cast, Plot, News & Update: Another Villain Hinted, Too Many Bad Guys in One Move? Ned Leeds Confirmed

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" may still take a while before it emerges, but news about the title seems pesistent at this point. Not only does the cast apparently expand, but the hints on what else could emerge point to some things that are entirely different.

As some may know, the upcoming "Spider-Man: Homecoming" surely has a hefty cast surrounding it, starting with the villains and friends of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) himself. With villains such as The Tinkerer, Shocker and Vulture already lined up for their cinematic portrayals, one more speculated bad guy could take flight in due time-literally.

According to recent reports, Jacob Batalon is confirmed on playing Ned Leeds, one of Peter Parker's classmates in the story. As some may who follow the Marvel comic book universe may know, Leeds will eventually work at The Daily Bugle, who will then be linked to Peter Parker's short-lived love interest Betty Brant. It was then revealed that Leeds will eventually don the identity of the Hobgoblin as he was brainwashed in one issue, though not entirely adapted from thereon. This has spurred the speculation that Leeds could potentially be the antagonist in "Spider-Man: Homecoming."

Contradictory to this, however, is the fact that there are already enough villains in the upcoming film, and that the interpretation of Leeds could be different. Nonetheless, such possibilities are not being ruled out but still to be taken as a grain of salt. Meanwhile, interesting revelations about "Spider-Man: Homecoming" divulge that there will be minimal violence within the film-almost none to say safely. This is due to the justification that Peter Parker's exploration of his powers are simply just about to start, and his familiarity of it may still be mild.

The inclusion of both The Tinkerer and Shocker after the reveal of Vulture also heightens up the anticipation of Hobgoblin being part of the film. However, if to follow the graphic novel renditions correctly, the Green Goblin is to come first before the successor and could immediately debunk the theory on Leeds for "Spider-Man: Homecoming."

Will there be another villain in "Spider-Man: Homecoming?" Sound off on the comments section below if this is something you look forward to come June of next year.

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