"The LEGO Batman" movie is an upcoming 3D animated action comedy film and serves as a spinoff of the 2014, film "The LEGO" movie This time around, the film shifts its focus to Batman, as the film is set in the same universe that the 2014 film previously established. It stars the voices of Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Ralph Fines, Rosario Dawson and Zach Galifianakis.
According to the film synopsis released for the upcoming film "The LEGO Batman" movie follows Batman as he goes on a personal journey to find himself. However, there are big changes brewing in Gotham, and if he wants to save the city from the Joker's hostile takeover, Batman may have to drop the lone vigilante act, try to work with others and maybe,mlearn to lighten up.
The upcoming "LEGO Batman" movie has excellent voice cast members. The voice actors is by Will Arnett as he portrays the role of Batman with his alter ego Bruce Wayne. Ralph Fiennes will be playing his iconic wise butler Alfred, and this version is more of a surrogate father rather than a servant. Other notable cast members include Zach Galiflanakis as The Joker, Michael Cera Robin/ Dick Grayson, Rosario Dawson as Barbara Gordon/ Batgirl, Mariah Carrey as Mayor Caskill and Jenny Slate as Dr, Harleen Quinzel/ Harley Quinn.
The upcoming "LEGO Batman" movie is classified as an action comedy film. Fans of the Dark Knight cannot help but ask if this will finally be the movie where Batman learns to let go of his past. Well, that question is rather difficult considering that his past is dark leading for him to become the Gotham Vigilante. However, given the nature of the film, fans are looking forward to see Batman's funny side.
The upcoming "LEGO Batman" movie will be directed by Chris McKay and produced by Dan Lin, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Roy Lee. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on February 10, 2017 through Warner Bros. Pictures in 3D, Real 3D, and IMAX