"Steven Universe" is undeniably one of the most-watched animated series on Cartoon Network today for its fun theme and concept. The show presents the common struggles of typical kids and teenagers growing up which is why many love it. Series creator Rebecca Sugar has earlier revealed some important facts about it.
According to the creator who fully understands the confusing emotions that teenagers feel, "Steven Universe" can help them recognize what they are going through which is somehow similar to the experiences of Steven and his friends. With the theme of the series, it can teach young people choose the right individuals they should get close with by identifying healthy from toxic relationships.
Sugar emphasized that they intend to make "Steven Universe" a show that fans can always relate to. The animated series teaches viewers to spread the love and accept people no matter who and what they are, as per Polygon. Just like the main character Steven who is always willing to accept everyone. "To see someone like you be loved by someone else, to know that someone like you can be loved ... anyone can know that all people are deserving of love- and [so are] wacky cartoon aliens," Sugar stated as per the publication.
Meanwhile, "Steven Universe" will not be cancelled contrary to earlier reports. In fact, the hit animated series will soon be airing a half-hour long special episode titled "Gem Harvest." Many were alarmed when speculations about the cancellation of the show circulated around the web after it stopped airing episodes in September. There were also news claiming that season 5 will be the last of the series.
Though the release date for "Gem Harvest" is not yet exact, as per Entertainment Weekly, fans are already excited to see the upcoming episode which is about Steven making a pumpkin alive. Cartoon Network has earlier released a sneak peek for the next episode. Watch the preview video below!