The return of "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 remains unsettled. However, the rumors and presumptions regarding the anime series is unprecedented. For one, the story arc showcased the death of Arima, but it would render an altered future for Ken.
It appears that when it comes to the mysteries surrounding "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3, the truth is coming out a little at a time. Moreover, there are no detailed confirmation that the creators of the anime segment would provide definitive details for its storyline and return.
However, claims and presumptions have surged for "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3. For one, Arima's death is imminent to occur in the next instalment. Also, it is anticipated that he would die by slashing his throat and provide Ken the truth that has evaded the protagonist for many episodes.
In addition, it is rumored that the trail would lead Ken to the bayou of rejection and pain. His rise to power would also influence his whole being. Despite the speculations, the air date remains in question. According to a former post from GamenGuide, while the creators are bidding their time to air the sequel, it might spawn much discomfort and anger for those that have waited for "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3.
The Christian Times also reported that the demand for "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 is high which is why there is a probability that it would not be cancelled. The hiatus might be long for the segment, but the anime will surely see the light of day.
With the air date hanging on the horizon, waiting is the only element that enthusiasts could do for now. It remains uncertain how Ken's life would unfold when "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 returns on the spotlight. Many are wondering on whether he would cling to power and endure desolation or set a different path for himself.