
Assassin's Creed 3 Release Date: Art Work Is being Displayed At Several Exhibits

Every screenshot of Ubisoft's upcoming historical action-adventure open world stealth video game Assassin's Creed III resembles a beautiful painting. The game's depictions of the American Colonies, the civil unrest and political upheaval of the era are rendered and captured as beautifully as an artist's brush stroke.

On Sept. 27 in Paris, The Parisian gallery Arludik featured several pieces of work created by Ubisoft concept artist that was created for the Assassin's Creed series. The gala will run through the month of October.

According to an article on Joystiq, the art event called "Assassin's Creed L'Exposition" will run from October 5-30 and features 35 pieces of original concept art. The site also says that "Ubisoft claims the canvases have been appraised between €600 ($820) and €2,000 ($2,725)."

According to Ubisoft the "event was organized in partnership with the French association Les Toiles Enchantées, which offers hospitalized children film screenings during their stay; all profits were donated to Les Toiles Enchantées."

There will also be a second expo called "Assassin's Creed Art (R) Evolution" that will feature a cross-media display of artwork taken from the original Assassin's Creed to the assassin's Cred III. The event will be held in Milan at the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology, according to Ubisoft's official site.

They also had a second exhibit at the Comic Museum WOW Spazio del Fumetto. The exhibit had more than 50 pieces of artworks from Assassin's Creed The Fall, Embers & Ascendance. Another section of the exhibit displayed artworks from Japanese artists that came from the Assassin's Creed Tokyo Exhibition.

According to Ubisoft, the temporary museum was made possible because of a partnership between Italian teams and Game Art Gallery. The museum featured films, paintings as well as the oldest historical collection of machines of Leonardo da Vinci. "To create and organize an exhibition about Assassin's Creed is like landing in the New World" writes Deborah Ferrari, founder of the Game Art Gallery.

Check out the great images from Assassin's Creed III's multiplayer mode in our slideshow here and tell everybody what you think of them on our comment section. Check out our story on how Assassin's Creed III's protagonist Connor could be getting two more games here and watch the trailer revealing his story here. Have you seen the AC3 weapons trailer? Check it out here. Read about the planned George Washington DLC here. Read more about the Assassin's Creed series' first playble female assassin here. Check the art filled Boston Tea Party Trailer below...

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