The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been known to bring audiences on an intergalactic ride, (see "Guardians of the Galaxy," "Thor" series), but once "Spider-Man Homecoming" hits screens next year, they're bringing audiences back home to somewhere more relatable: the Earth. The highly anticipated film starring newcomer Tom Holland is the third iteration of the web-slinging hero, as the young actor takes the reins from Andrew Garfield, who played the role in two films in 2012 and 2014.
Holland made his debut as Peter Parker in this year's "Captain America: Civil War" and was well received by audiences, but he will take centerstage once "Spider-Man Homecoming" hits theaters next year. Production has began filming on the Jon Watts-directed flick, and it seems that they have accomplished a lot in the last 10 days of shooting. In fact, Marvel has already shown footage from the film during the weekend's San Diego Comic Con festivities.
Speaking of Comic Con, Watts and the stars of the film were on hand during the event to talk about the film, and was able to get some inside scoop on how the film will play out in terms of the world that the MCU has already established. According to Watts, the hero audiences will get to see in "Spider-Man Homecoming" will be the "ground floor" to the already established "penthouse" A.K.A. the Avengers.
Watts explained that in "Spider-Man Homecoming," viewers would get to see what it's like for a regular person like Peter Parker to go through school and deal with the everyday challenges that normal people do (sorry, no more worrying about weird Asgardian aliens and the like, for now).
"Spider-Man seems like the most perfect opportunity because he's the most regular person in the canon that I thought he was a great chance to show what that angle of the MCU feels like," Watts explained. Meanwhile, they've also released the concept art of Spidey's main villain, The Vulture, below.
Spider-Man surprises #SDCC! Here's the first look of the Concept Art featuring the Vulture in #SpiderManHomecoming
— Spider-Man (@SpiderManMovie) July 24, 2016
"Spider-Man Homecoming" swings into theaters on July 7, 2017.