
Borderlands 2's Skill Tree Calculator for Salvador, Maya, Axton, and Zer0

In anticipation for Borderlands 2's release, Gearbox is letting players start their character builds a bit early by posting the skill tree caclulator on the Borderlands 2 website. Click the following links to access the skill trees for the respective characters:
* Salvador the Gunzerker
* Zer0 the Assassin
* Axton the Commando
* Maya the Siren

Unfortunately the skill tree for the Mechromancer is not on the site, so we'll have to wait until the game is released to play around with her skill sets.

Zer0's bloodshed set focuses mainly on increasing melee damage, whereas the sniping and gunning sets are self explanatory. Adding to his sniping ability might make him the best suited for solo play, orto act as backup support for playing with friends. Maya's tree contains the most sets to really mix up gameplay, with a lot of unique combinations. Her Harmony set is also the best suited for online play, letting her heal and revive friends.
Axton's skills can serve to help players make him either a character that could be well suited for both solo play, and online as well, by improving his turret, or his gunning abilities. Salvador's skills just make him that much more of a bruiser. Max him out as a tank if you plan on taking him online.

Play around with the calculator to figure out your best character build. Already called the "antidote to stuffy military shooters," and "the prettiest game of 2012," by GamesMaster, Borderlands 2 is out in about a week's time, September 18.

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