Gamers were abuzz when this photo hit the net, which has since been revealed as a fake. In a recent tweet, the man himself, Hideo Kojima revealed that the logo was nothing more than a fake, saying, "Since I've received inquiries about the MGS5 title screen/the announcement made at ComicCon which I had no idea of, I looked up on the net and found the source. But pls note that title logo is completely FAKE. I apologize to those who were looking forward. Anyway it proved I can still create the buzz."
However, this doesn't mean that there's no future for a fifth addition to Metal Gear. Kojima has expressed interest in making a Metal Gear Solid 5, telling PlayStation Official Magazine last year, "I think we'll probably have to make it [a sequel to MGS4] at some point, but what that will be, we have no idea."
More recently (March), he also declared that an "authentic stealth Metal Gear Solid sequel is on the way. However, Kojima has also said that he would have less influence than previous games, so it remains to be seen how closely the game will follow past Solids. Metal Gear Solid 5 was only officially announced last month, so we'll likely have to wait a while before we get something official.
In the meantime, we'll just have to put up with the upcoming spin-off, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Though it's created by Kojima Productions, don't expect the stealth style of past Metal Gears. PlatinumGames promises to deliver high-tempo action to create an entirely different game experience for the franchise. Revengeance will be available in the beginning of 2013 for PS3 and Xbox 360.
Kojima on Metal Gear 5 "Leak": "That title logo is completely fake."
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