
Thief 4 Gets "Leaked" Revealing a Victorian Garrett

The leaked CGI footage for Thief 4--or, Thi4f if that's still legit--cropped up yesterday on YouTube from the user Garrettisback.

It seems to be taken from a production reel by Eric Wong, who did work according to his LinkedIn for Square Enix on Deus Ex and a listing for Thief back in 2011. It fits with the theme teased that the Thief franchse would enter the Victorian age, but there's literally nothnig else to go by. Not to mention it seems like a copy of a copy, making the colors muddled and as if it were downgraded to the lowest resolution possible.

This would be the first time since 2009 that any word about the game was even mentioned. Eidos Montreal hasn't issued a comment, and probably for good reason: Wong's work experience seems to primarily be in trailers and cinematics. Even if this were legit, and it probably is, it's the equivalent of claiming one special effect sets the tone for an entire film. 

It's good to know Thief 4--please let it not still be Thi4f-- exists somewhere. Just, this time, Eidos Montreal, if you need to outsource the materials don't let it be the boss battles. Or if you do, just make the themes jive together than having a combination stealth/action game based on the player's choice be developed by a dude who admits to only liking hardcore shooters. It's like if Ubisoft decided to give every other mission to People Can Fly, the folks behind Bulletstorm.

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