
Nobumichi Asai's Omote Projection-Mapping Puts CGI On Your Face [VIDEO]

Video of Amazing "Digital Makeup" Technology

It's about time makeup went digital. Designer Nobumichi Asai released an eye-popping video last week of Omote, his team's system of using digital projectors on a person's face. The results are undoubtedly mind-blowing (and, if we're being honest, a little creepy).

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Of course, we've seen projection and face-tracking projects before, but not like this. It's unreal how well Omote can track the model's facial movements and instantly reiterate itself to follow. Essentially, it's a beam of light inseparable from the object it is projected upon-with a projection that changes and moves in real time. It ain't CoverGirl, that's for sure.

There are a few clear applications-for one, you could see what you would be like if you were one of those liquid silver dudes from Terminator 2. Perhaps Omote could also replace the makeup artists working the cosmetics section at Macy's.

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Just from watching the video, though, there would have to be a fair amount of work to be done before it goes to retail. There's clearly a lot of heavy yet delicate equipment involved, and the model is seated the entire time. She doesn't even crack a smile.

Asai and his team are being very sparse in giving out technical specs on the project and the video presents very few details about how Omote works, so now we just have to bask in its face-changing glory.

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