
‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Villain And Army Revealed, But What About Ultron’s Ant-Man Origin? [PICTURE]

Ultron’s Ugly Mug Revealed On Avengers E! Cover Along With Iron Man And Cap

Get your first look at Avengers: Age of Ultron villain Ultron right here. They didn't get the mouth right, I say!

Marvel Introduces A New Female Thor!

Entertainment Weekly has premiered the worldwide very first look at the first new villain the Avengers will fight as a team (not counting Loki cuz he wasn't new, awesome as Tom Hiddleston's portrayal was). What do you think? The mouth isn't a maniacal rictus grin forever encased in adamantium, but otherwise it looks pretty Ultronish to me. In the background you can see a bunch of different Ultrons so we can have big battle scenes and all our heroes can show off their neat powers and skill without having to feel bad about killing hundreds of dudes. Fine by me!

Also over at EW is the first official reveal of Godzilla couple Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Let's hope they don't go Ultimates on it - she was in Oldboy and all!

Marvel HeroClix Guardians Of The Galaxy Update Set For August

In the comics, Ultron was a creation of Hank Pym, also known as Ant-Man (or Giant Man, or Yellowjacket, or... comics). Now, the Ant-Man movie is actually only scheduled to hit after Avengers: Age of Ultron, but Hank Pym has already been cast months ago - Michael Douglas. Ant-Man will be about Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) a thief taking on the mantle of the first Ant-Man, Douglas' scientist character Pym.

So here we have an established pensioner aged Hank Pym yet to appear in a movie, but in-universe has been around for a very long time. Let me tell you something: they filmed the post-credits shawarma scene for the first Avengers AFTER they'd already had their first screening. Marvel Studios is doing nutty things nowadays! Who's to say they didn't borrow Douglas for a brief flashback/origin scene?

Or, you know, have him be a Frankenstein-like creation of the robotics guy already on the team, Tony Stark. But I'm just sayin', true believers!

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