PS Plus: 'Terraria' Free For Vita This Week, Massive 'Only On PlayStation Sale' Offers Deep PS3 & PS4 Discounts [VIDEO]

PS Plus Offers Free Terraria For PS Vita This Week

One of the best indie games of recent years is now free for PS Plus subscribers, along with a massive sale featuring some of the PlayStation's best exclusive titles.

June's Full List Of Free PS Plus Titles!

Terraria is joining the Instant Game Collection during this week's store update, and will be available to download soon. The game was a major hit on PC before it made its way over to the PlayStation 3 and Vita, and like many titles ported for the Sony's wonderful and underrated handheld console it may be the best version of the game just yet. It's all about that touchscreen support. 

"DIG, FIGHT, EXPLORE, BUILD! Nothing is impossible in the special edition version of this action-packed sandbox adventure! Over a dozen environments and hundreds of items to craft and enemies to defeat! The world is your canvas - make it your own. PlayStation Vita system version has brand new Touchscreen controls and supports cross platform save with your PlayStation 3 system console. Multiplayer supports up to 8 online players!"

A Recap of All Of May's Free PS Plus Titles 

The PSN also has a number of sales going on, including an 'Only On PlayStation' sale that offers discounts on some of the best exclusives the systems have to offer. Subscribers who are PS4 owners can grab Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition for a mere $3.75, or Flower for $3.49, the latter of which will give you access to the game across all platforms. PS3 owners can nab Ico, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Shadow of the Colossus or Twisted Metal for $5 a pop, or LittleBigPlanet for $7.50. PS Vita owners can purchase one of the finest titles for their system, Tearaway, for $17.49.

There's also an EA sports sale going on and even more- check the PlayStation blog for more details.

There's only a few more weeks of free games in June before PlayStation Plus changes, all for the better. Starting in July the service will dump all of the free games at once on the first Tuesday of the month, with two guaranteed titles for each PlayStation system. Six free games a month makes PS Plus a no-brainer for anyone with even a single of those consoles, and even more the more you own.

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