
Kid Plays 'inFamous: Second Son' From His Hospital Bed Using PS4 Remote Play

If You Need a Feel-Good Story For Today, Check Out This Kid Playing 'inFamous' From the Hospital

File this story under "touching." The other day, Sucker Punch's official Twitter retweeted a picture of young Felix Morais Harvey playing inFamous: Second Son from his hospital bed using Remote Play on his Vita.

Well, Dual Shockers went ahead and contacted Felix's parents to learn more about the nine-year-old, and the story is pretty great.

Felix has been affected by issues with his digestive tract since birth, which requires him to make many trips to the hospital. Living in the province of New Brunswick, Canada, Felix often needs to travel to Quebec, Montreal to get treated, over 500 miles away.

"While his hospital stays (which are far from home) keep Felix away from his consoles, he's allowed to bring the PS Vita along, and his parents let him play without too many restrictions," Dual Shockers reports. "He's home-schooled by a tutor provided by the school, so of course he has to keep up with his studies as well, and there are certain areas of the hospital in which he can't play (medical imaging is one of those, for instance)."

An amazing part of this story is that he gets Remote Play running on his Vita from 500 miles away, when I sometimes have a hard time getting it running in my own house.

"His father had tested Remote Play at home without issues, but he never expected it to work from a hospital 500 miles away," Dual Shockers reports. "Yet, when Felix was on his bed and told him 'wouldn't it be fun to play Infamous right now?' He had to try. It took a little while to connect, and it failed once or twice, but then the UI of the PS4 actually came up on the screen. It was a little glitchy and pixelated at first but stabilized after a minute or two. Felix was then able to play and never complained about disconnections since."

All in all, it's a really neat story. Head over to Dual Shockers to check out the full story.

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