
Sakurai Speaks Out: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Cutscene Leak Still Affects

Sakurai Speaks Out: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Cutscene Leak Still Affects

Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Super Smash Bros., continues to feel the effects of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl cutscene leak from 2008, impacting the series' future adventure modes.

(Photo : Sora Ltd. / Screenshot taken from Steam.)

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The Legacy of Subspace Emissary

Super Smash Bros. Brawl introduced 'Subspace Emissary,' a narrative-driven campaign mode that integrated various characters from the Smash universe into a cohesive story. Characters like Bowser, Wario, and Ganondorf assumed antagonistic roles, reflecting their personas from their respective games. Despite mixed community reception towards Brawl, Subspace Emissary garnered a dedicated fan base due to its unique storytelling approach.

Sakurai's Perspective

In a recent YouTube video, Sakurai discussed the ongoing ramifications of the 2008 cutscene leak. He expressed disappointment over the widespread sharing of Subspace Emissary's cutscenes online, which he believes diminished the reward and surprise intended for players experiencing these scenes firsthand.

According to Sakurai, the act of leaking cutscenes prompted him to rethink the inclusion of extensive narrative segments in subsequent Smash titles. He emphasized the challenge of maintaining the reward element in games when story-driven content can be easily accessed and shared online.

Sakurai's sentiments echo his previous statements, where he acknowledged altering game design decisions to mitigate leaks' impact on player experience. Despite the passage of over a decade, Sakurai remains steadfast in his stance against early content leaks, indicating a lasting influence on his creative process.

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