Google Glass on Sale to Public Today Only for $1,500 Price Tag, Will be Given Major Update For Release

Google Glass on Sale to Public for Today Only, Will be Given Major Update For Release

Anyone can purchase Google Glass right now under an expanded version of its Explorer Program for a mere $1,500--but the sale only lasts until the end of today.

Google is selling the device to everyone for one day in an effort to boost the number of testers they have out in public. They can use this feedback to discover issues with the product, find out how people are using it, and think about ways to improve. It's very expensive, but Glass is already impacting our society in meaningful ways, and it (or similar future technology) may become part of our future.

Will everyone want to wear the device? Absolutely not--it's gotten criticism for its appearance, and has caused conflicts among people wary of its ability to constantly record video. Google is taking steps to make it more stylish by partnering with high-end fashion designers, but it will be some time, if ever, that it catches on with mainstream, non-enthusiast users.

Google is also delivering an update that adds, and removes, some features from Glass. The update will be available later this week, and it improves battery life (a pretty big, welcome addition I'm sure), adds support for Android Kit Kat, and removes video calls.

Google says the video call functionality on Glass was not up to their standards currently, and felt better leaving it out and including an incomplete feature. It makes sense--Google will want to maximize positive experiences with those using it and talking about it, not include frustrating or partially broken aspects. It also had not been a widely used feature among those using Glass regardless, Google stated.

The full update notes can be found here, and it looks to be a pretty big one that will make the device better. You can get in on the Glass experience for yourself at their official store.

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