Bungie has revealed in a recent blog post the things that are coming to Destiny 2 "Season of the Wish" ahead of its launch next week. Some of the highlights include class ability changes, the introduction of the new seasonal artifact, and a collaboration with a very popular game development company.
The Witcher is Coming
Bungie is set to release new armor sets inspired by the popular action RPG The Witcher 3 to the game's Eververse Store on November 28. Among the new cosmetics that will come to Destiny 2 next week, the Titan closely resembles Geralt of Rivia.
Players can also purchase other premium items, including a unique Ghost Shell, sparrow, emote, finisher, and some armor ornaments.
Introducing the New Seasonal Artifact

Seasonal Artifacts in Destiny 2 provide players with amazing new perks that allow for interesting build combinations. That said, the game's upcoming Seasonal Artifact is the Queensfoil Censer.
According to Bungie, the Queensfoil Censer focuses on improving rocket launchers. For example, the "Argent Ordinance" is a perk that increases rocket launcher damage and reload speed by consuming Armor Charges.
The new Seasonal Artifact also makes Stasis and Strand weapons more potent than ever. "Dragon's Bite" is a new Tier 4 perk that grants players a chance to freeze enemies by breaking their shields with a Strand or Stasis weapon.
The rest of the perks can be found on the game's official website.
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Longer Cooldowns
The company is set to implement some major changes to Destiny 2 with the launch of Season of the Wish. One of those changes affects grenade, melee, and certain class abilities.
According to Bungie, the company has not been hitting its goal of making powerful abilities come at a meaningful cost. This stems from the fact that players can just use some perks that give a huge chunk of ability energy, allowing them to bypass long cooldowns. To address this, the base passive cooldown of slower-charging abilities will now have an impact on the amount of chunk energy they get from perks.
This means that the immediate burst of ability energy players can get from perks is reduced to 50% of base cooldown for the slowest-charging grenade and class abilities, and 60% for the slowest-charging melee abilities.
The intent of the above-mentioned adjustments is to force players to make tough decisions, especially when it comes to using certain abilities in battle.
Stasis Upgrades
Stasis, the fourth damage type that was introduced to Destiny 2, turned three years old not long ago. The development team feels that it is now time to give some love, which is why players can expect some notable Stasis buffs in Season of the Wish.
One area that the developers are looking into is the Stasis Fragments. For example, the Whisper of Hedrons will no longer have a strength penalty when used. This means that players can enjoy increased mobility, aim assist, and airborne effectiveness without worrying about a slight reduction in their Strength stat.
So, what can you say about the changes that are coming to Destiny 2 next week?
Destiny 2 Season of the Wish arrives on November 28.
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