Amazon Games launched Update 3.0.3 for New World which sees the return of a familiar foe - the Turkolon! Players who successfully defeat the "Feathered Avenger of Death" will earn exclusive rewards, including a War Hammer Skin that is fit for Thanksgiving!
Back With a Vengeance
Turkolon and his turkey army can be found at various locations in New World, including Monarch's Bluffs, Everfall, Restless Shore, Mourningdale, Cutlass Keys, and Brightwood.

Whenever you defeat his Turkey Minions, you have a chance of obtaining the Turkolon's Claw Skinning Knife. This item allows you to skin dead turkeys for additional loot, such as the Infused Turkey Coating, Infused Turkey Ward Potion, Turkey Luck Potion, and some Diamond Gypsums.
However, players should focus their attention on Turkolon. That's because this world boss drops exclusive loot never seen before in New World - the Grand Gobbler War Hammer Skin. Turkolon has a 20% chance of dropping the weapon skin, so players may have to defeat this giant turkey several times to get it.
In addition, players who successfully eliminate Turkolon will get a Massive Turkey Leg for their efforts. This can be used as an ingredient to craft the special "Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner" which provides the following buffs:
Temporarily increases Constitution and Luck.
Slowly recovers health.
Potency scales depending on player level.
Other notable rewards that players can obtain from Turkolon are:
Feat-O-Plenty Food Trophy (7% drop rate)
Turkuless, Disgruntled Fowl Pet (12% drop rate)
Turkolon Egg Seat (9% drop rate)
Juicy Calves Boots Skin (20% drop rate)
According to Amazon Games, players can acquire all of the loot Turkolon has to offer by defeating it 16 times.
Players have until November 28 to get everything before Turkolon and his grand turkey army leave the game.
Read Also: New World' Petrified Wood Guide: Where to Find and Use It
Join the Dark Legion
Update 3.0.3 has also added some new skins in the in-game store. These include the Gladekeeper Bundle, Azoth Arcana Bundle, and Maulers/Brawlers Bundle. Here's a glimpse of the special armor skins now available in the New World store:
Aside from that, certain housing items and tool skins are being sold at a 50% discount. Those who want to spruce up their houses might want to purchase them soon.
Patch Notes
World Experience
Added a tag to the named AI to ignore the spawn scaling effect, lowering the spawn rate at the Dayspring Tree POI.
Adjusted spawns for the Staff of Wizardry encounter to prevent stalls when new enemies appear.
Global Mutators
Fixed an issue with the enemy count in Dynasty Shipyard. It is now 60.
Fixed an issue with Guldar not counting towards the Named Enemy Count in The Depths
Combat Changes
Scorpion's Sting - Added trade off to Sting Perk - Increases cooldown by 50% upon use.
Lost Stopwatch - Changed duration from a 100% increase to a flat 1s increase.
Odo - Updated functionality to include that the damage bonus applies to knocked down targets.
Disease Status Effects
All Player Diseases - Added an outgoing healing penalty to all disease status effects equal to half of the incoming healing reduction. (Plagued Crits, Plagued Strikes, Plagued Splitting Grenade, Infected Throw, Putrefying Scream, PvP Arenas Healing Reduction)
Shirking Heals - Increased cooldown from 5s to 10s
Slash/Physical Ward/Absorptions - Updated all physical ward and slash ward Gems and Perks to include bleed damage as a part of slash damage to function similarly to other dots.
Are you going to hunt Turkolon in New World anytime soon?
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