Metal Gear Solid is one of those iconic games that paved the way for everything else that came before it. It can also become quite challenging, more so for modern gamers - it released for the PS1 whose controller never had thumbsticks, for one.

metal gear solid ps1
But one Twitch streamer managed to challenge herself at the game and beat it - not by using a classic PS1 controller, but by using a dancepad. According to GamesRadar, streamer and Metal Gear Solid fan RealKittyRawr (aka Lilly) rigged the dance pad controller and set off on playing through the game, calling it one of her favorite game series from her childhood.
She didn't explicitly explain how she managed to connect the pad, but it seems like its arrow keys were used for the D-pad and the PlayStation icons were used as they are.
Among her highlights for the entire run was fighting Tank and Psycho, with her beating the former on the first try. But that's now even the trickiest part of the run, says the Twitch streamer , as she says that Liquid Snake's scuffle on top of Metal Gear REX/Hind D takes the cake.
Here's what she had to say about the fight on the dancepad, as per the original GamesRadar report:
The most challenging part so far has been the Hind D fight, Metal Gear REX, and then the Liquid fistfight on top of REX. His movements are so insanely fast, and you have to counter many of his punches, kicks, and charge attacks. I played for six hours straight, one stream of non-stop dance pad action to come up with strategies to defeat Liquid.
Considering how the dance pad can be physically tough even on runs that last a few minutes, playing for six hours straight is a massive feat. As a result of doing so, Lilly said her "legs were burning."
Hind D was the hardest fight yet. Legs.Are.Burning. 🔥#MGS #DancePad
— Lilly Δ (@RealKittyRawr) May 18, 2022
Either way, she managed to accomplish the feat and beat the entire game on June 1st: a 14-hour playthrough on Normal difficulty:
I DID ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Metal Gear Solid on a dance pad...COMPLETED!!!! #MetalGearSolid
— Lilly Δ (@RealKittyRawr) June 1, 2022
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People Playing Games With Weird Controllers
Beating Metal Gear Solid with a dancepad is a great feat, so props for Lilly for pulling it off. It is now the latest on a slew of other games that have been beaten (or played through) using weird controller setups - some of which were just downright confusing, and others being technical marvels.
Here's one example: YouTuber SuperLouis64, also known as "The Controller Bender," rigged Elden Ring on the PS5 to be played using bananas (yes, you read that right) as controllers. Here's the video of his mod in action:
He used a total of 11 bananas to map the controls on. He had "movement bananas" like left, right, up, and down mapped (with jump and dodge roll), along with a "horse banana" for calling Torrent, a "healing banana" for the flask, and a "lock on banana" to lock onto enemies. To use the "controller," all he had to do was touch the bananas - all of which looks to be connected to an Arduino.
SuperLouis64 tried fighting Flying Dragon Agheel using the ingenious setup, and it looked to work well enough - if you ignore how completely non-ergonomic the "controller" is. Eventuall, he managed to beat the dragon using a ton of patience and skill.
Related: PS3 Emulator RPCS3 Runs Metal Gear Solid 4 At 4K 60 FPS - Should Konami Remaster It?
Story posted on GameNGuide
Written by RJ Pierce