"Gran Turismo 7" has been shown running on both last-gen and current-gen consoles, and it looks like PS4 owners aren't getting too left behind.

gran turismo 7 trailer screen
WCCFTech reports on a recent comparison that showed the latest "Gran Turismo" title running on the base PS4, PS4 Pro, and the PS5 to see just how much of a difference there is. Polyphony Digital clearly ensured that even last-gen console owners aren't getting robbed of an amazing visual experience with silky smooth performance to boot.
Here is the comparison video courtesy of the YouTube channel ElAnalistaDeBits:
As you can see, there really is not much separating the visuals and performance of "Gran Turismo 7" on the PS4, PS4 Pro, and the PS5. The only big outliers are the loading times, resolution, and NPC count.
Loading times on the current-gen PlayStation 5 being snappy as expected. It took the PS5 just under two seconds to load a race in due to its super-fast SSD, while the base PS4 and PS4 Pro took under 42 seconds and just over 37 seconds to load the same race in, respectively.
As for the resolution, "Gran Turismo 7" runs at native 1080p on the base PS4, checkerboard 1800p on the PS4 Pro (via GamingBolt), and resolutions from native 4K to as high as 8K on the PS5 (via MotorTrend) coupled with ray traced lighting. As such, the game can look mind-blowingly sharp and smooth on the PlayStation 5.
Either way, whether you're playing on the base PS4, PS4 Pro, or PS5, you can easily mistake footage of "Gran Turismo 7" as something that was recorded in real life. The game just downright looks photorealistic at times, which is testament to the work put in by Polyphony Digital. Just like what we said in our "Horizon Forbidden West" review, the latest "Gran Turismo" main entry is a decidedly next-gen-looking game on last-gen hardware-an impressive technical feat in its own right so far.
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Should You Get 'Gran Turismo 7' On The PS4 Or PS5?
At this point, the answer to this question is remarkably simple: which console do you currently have? If you're one of the lucky ones to already have a PlayStation 5, then you're in for an absolute treat. But even if you still own the now almost ten-year-old base PlayStation 4 (or better yet, the far more powerful PlayStation 4 Pro), you're not getting left behind.
But that said, getting "GT7" on Sony's current-gen console can be an absolutely amazing experience. And this is due to how Polyphony Digital leveraged the hardware capabilities of the PS5 during development, as per Eurogamer.

Living room with a Sony PlayStation 5 home video game console and DualSense controller alongside a television, taken on Novemebr 3, 2020.
Here is a full breakdown of what Polyphony did with GT7, courtesy of the Digital Foundry YouTube channel:
Playing the latest "Gran Turismo" on the PS5 gives you a near-locked, silky-smooth 60FPS performance on native 4K at the very least, with a choice to turn on ray traced lighting for ultra-realistic visuals that few other racing games can match. If you're looking for a next-gen racing experience, then look no further than this game.
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Story posted on GameNGuide
Written by RJ Pierce