Riot Games released the patch notes for League of Legends: Wild Rift's Patch 3.0 Update, revealing an additional new Champion, as well as a new Guild vs. Guild season, to the multiplayer online battle arena's Smartphone version.
Aside from the new Champion that will be added to the game's roster, the patch update will also bring in balance changes to several of its already available Champions, as well as other additions and changes to its gameplay.
New Additions
As mentioned earlier, the Patch 3.0 Update will bring in new additions to League of Legends: Wild Rift. One of the said additions is the new Champion, Sett, which is set to be released on January 26th at 12:01 AM UTC (7:00 PM EST).
New Year, New Patch! 🎉
— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) January 18, 2022
A boss brawler is stepping up to the fight and firecrackers are popping on the Rift! We have a test version of voice returning, balance changes, some chaos, a new Wild Pass is here, and more! This is Patch 3.0!
➡️ Details here: https://t.co/Ooclud1fnx pic.twitter.com/yFZdvPWQ9Q
A leader of Ionia's criminal underworld, "The Boss," according to Bleeding Cool, rose to prominence during the war with Noxus thanks to his savage strength and the ability to take endless amounts of punishment. Because of these qualities, Sett muscled to the top of the fighting pits of Navori, reigning over it in the process.
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Along with Sett is the new Guild Vs. Guild Season Two, which according to Dot Esports, will have new locations, trophy track, and rewards.
The said new season will also have several changes to its Trophy Points so that its players can earn it easier. The said changes include tweaking the number of Group Community missions from three to two, as well as the Solo-accessible ones from one to two. It also lowered the Trophy Track Levels 1 to 25 by 25%.
Aside from the new Guild Vs. Guild season, the patch update will also bring back the new Ultra Rapid Fire mode, as well as the test version of their Voice Chat feature, but this will be only available for only premade teams.
It will also decorate the Summoner's Rift with festive lanterns and banners to celebrate the incoming Lunar New Year, and along with it comes the new Firecracker Champion Skins for Jinx, Diana, Sett, Teemo, Tristana, and Xin Zhao, the Warring Kingdoms Skin for Garen and Vi, the Radiant Skin for Wukong, and the Hexplorer Skin for Galio, which can be unlocked in the new Wild Pass this season.
Champion Balance Changes
Aside from the additions, the Patch 3.0 update will also bring in balance changes to several of League of Legends: Wild Rift's Champions.
According to Gamespot, the patch update will decrease the base health regeneration of Dr. Mundo from 12 to 9, his Health Regeneration per level will also be decreased from .81 to .68.
The reason for this nerf, according to the patch notes posted in the game's website, is that the Champion is too resilient to poke, making him win several fights that he was not supposed to be there from the beginning.
The patch update will also increase the AD ratio of Ezreal's Mystic Shot from 110% to 120%, while it will also increase Jax's base health regeneration and health regeneration growth from 9 to 12 and from .55 to .81, respectively. It will also increase the Attack Speed gain per stack from his Relentless Assault skill from 2.4% + Level x .6% to 3%/5.5%/8%/10.5% at levels 1/5/9/13.
Kayle's Health per level will be decreased from 105 to 95, and the wave damage from her Divine Ascent skill, as well as the passive damage from her Starfire Spellblade, will also be decreased from 15/20/25/30 + 20% AP to 12/16/20/24 + 15% AP.
Miss Fortune's Strut will be nerfed by the Patch 3.0 update, decreasing the bonus movement speed she will gain over time from 45/55/65/75 to 35/45/55/65, as well as its total bonus movement speed from 70/80/90/100 to 60/70/80/90.
It will also change Tryndamere's Spinning Slash, making its 1-second cooldown reduction be triggered once they hit critical strikes against minions.
Other balancing tweaks that the patch update will bring in include an increased damage to monsters from Morgana's Tormented Shadow from 150% to 200%, and an increased base health regeneration and health regeneration per level for Riven from 7.5 to 9 and from .55 to .68, respectively.