In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players are given the opportunity to travel around the Sinnoh region and its vast environment, ranging from forests to mountains to caves to the region's surrounding waters and islands.
They will also have the chance to traverse the Grand Underground, a unique biome in the game where they will venture its connecting caves full of Pokemon, and it is filled with items such as Evolution Stones, Shards, and Fossils that they can get by digging through its walls.
The Grand Underground also has a Secret Base, a unique place for its Players to stay and to keep the statues that they have collected throughout the game.
How to Access their Secret Base
In order to have their own Secret Base in the Grand Underground, they must first have access to said place itself. To do this, they need to get a Key Item called the "Explorer Kit," which they can retrieve from a non-playable character (NPC) in Eterna City.
Once they got the item, and gained access to the Grand Underground, they will get back to the surface and return to Eterna City where, according to The Nerd Stash, they need to talk again to the man who gave them the Explorer Kit.
After talking to him, the said NPC will give them the Digger Drill, an item that can unlock a Secret Base inside the Grand Underground. They can also get the said item through Traders that are inside the Grand Underground in case they want to relocate into a new Secret Base,
Once they have the Digger Drill, according to Gameskinny, they must jump back in the Grand Underground, and select a wall that they want to dig.
Once they have a wall of their choosing, they will use the item by accessing it in the "Items" tab, then pressing the A button in their JoyCon. After a few seconds, an opening will be created, giving them access for their own Secret Base.
How does the Secret Bases Work
In the Secret Base, not only that this will be their own spot in the Grand Underground, but this will also become a depository for the statues.
These collectible items, according to Eurogamer, can increase their chances to encounter a certain Pokemon type in the Hideaways, the caves in the Grand Underground that houses a similar typed Pokemon.
For example, if they have an Alakazam statue in their Secret Base, the chances of encountering a Psychic Pokemon in one of the Hideaways will be increased. If they have Golbat statue, the chances of encountering a Poison-type Pokemon will be increased.
These kinds of boosts will depend on what statues they are putting inside their Secret Bases, as well as how many of them are on inside. For example, if they placed more Fire-type Pokemon statues than Water-type ones, this means that they have an increased chances to encounter the former than the latter.
These statues have three types - Standard, Color, and Legendary. They can find the first two after digging any Pretty Boxes and Gorgeous Boxes from the walls of the Grand Underground, while the Legendary ones will be earned after catching Legendary Pokemon in Ramanas Park.
Color statues can give higher boosts than Standard ones, while the Legendary statues can provide highest type bonus. Aside from the type, their sizes can also affect the chances, like the bigger the statue is, the higher the encounter boost they will have.
Finally, they can also expand their Secret Bases up to two times, as it can hold up to 18 statues only. They can do this by talking to a vendor in the Grand Underground, and pay a certain amount of Spheres.