In majority of Pokemon games such as Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players are given a chance to catch Pokemon in places such as those in the Sinnoh region, ranging from Common ones to Mythical to Legendaries.
Once of the said Pokemon that they can catch in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is Cresselia, a Psychic-type Legendary Pokemon that was introduced in Generation IV, and as part of Sinnoh's Lunar duo, alongside Darkrai, a Dark-type Mythical Pokemon.
Waking up the Boy
In order to catch Cresselia in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, they must first make it appear in the game by doing a simple in-game mission.
But before taking said mission, according to Nintendo Life, they need to complete first the Sinnoh Pokedex by completing its entries.
They can do this in only one single playthrough, which means that in order to accomplish it, they must saw every Pokemon in the region, including Dialga and Palkia.
If either one of the said Legendaries are missing in their game (Palkia if it is Brilliant Diamond and Dialga of it is Shining Pearl), they must talk to Cynthia's grandmother, a non-playable character (NPC) that is standing in front of the ruins at Celestic Town.
Afterwards, they must go towards Sandgem Town to talk to Proffesor Rowan, and eventually Professor Oak, to get the National Pokedex.
Once they got the upgraded Pokedex, according to Bollyinside.com, they head towards Canalave City, and find the house of Sailor Eldritch, which is in the southwest part of the area.
From there, they will saw a boy that is lying in bed, and communicate to him to learn that he is experiencing nightmares.
Then, they will talk to his mom, revealing to them that he is trapped inside his own dream for days, causing him not to wake up. She also said that the only way they could do to save the boy is to get the Lunar Wing, which is in the Fullmoon Island.
Afterwards, they will exit the said house, then head to the right towards the city's pier, where Sailor Eldritch is there. Then, they will talk to him, asking if they want to accompany with him to Fullmoon Island and recover the Lunar Wing for his son.
Once they set their foot in the island, they will need to head towards its forest until they encounter Cresselia. The Legendary Pokemon, however, did not want to be captured. Instead, it will teleport away, leaving an item in the ground, which is the Lunar Wing.
They will grab the said item, then they will go towards Sailor Eldritch to tell them that they got the Lunar Wing. Afterwards, they will sail back again to Canalave City, where they will give the item to the boy in order for him to wake up from his nightmare.
Where, How to Catch Cresselia
Once the boy had finally woke up in Canalave City, it will trigger a moment in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl that Cresselia will be a roaming Pokemon in Sinnoh.
However, the Legendary Pokemon is hard to catch in the region, but according to Nintendo Wire, they can pinpoint where it is currently roaming by using the Marking App that they can access through their Poketch.
They need to keep in mind that Cresselia can change its location one players change theirs.
Once they pinpoint said location, they go to that area and roam around it until a wild Pokemon Battle will trigger. This time, they will face a Level 50 Cresselia with a "Levitate" ability, making it immune from Ground-type-based moves like Magnitude or Earthquake.
According to iMore, they need to keep in mind that they must have Pokemon that have appropriate levels that are enough to weaken Cresselia instead of knocking it out in one shot as it will appear in the game once.
To ensure that they will be catching the Legendary Pokemon, they will need to manually save their game data while battling it by pressing the X button in their Nintendo Switch JoyCon to open up the menu and access the Options. Afterwards, they will toggle the "Autosave" feature by selecting "off."
Then, once its Stamina is in the red, they must catch it using either their stocked Quick Balls or Ultra Balls. They can now have their very own Cresselia that they can include in their Pokemon team or in their Collection.
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