In Halo Infinite, players are given an opportunity to find several cosmetics for Master Chief, including for his armor and weapons.
One of these cosmetics that they need to find in the shooting game while exploring the Zeta Halo is the Warmaster's Prize, a collection of skins that can be applied to five different weapons that are available in Halo Infinite, including the Commando rifle.
But in order to get the said cosmetics set, they will need to venture to a place, which they need to unlock by taking, and clearing, an in-game mission.
Obtaining the Warmaster's Prize Commando Skin
In order to obtain the Warmaster's Prize skin for the Commando rifle, they must first find where this cosmetic is hidden in Halo Infinite.
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According to Gamepur, the said skin is in a Mjolnir Armory that is located in the southeastern part near the FOB Lima of the Reformation region in Zeta Halo.
But to gain access to the said area, according to The Nerd Stash, they need to complete the "Pelican Down" mission in the Act 3 of the game's main storyline.
In the said mission, according to IGN, they need to go south of the mission map marker, where a large stretch of UNSC ship wreckage was located.
From there, they will climb inside one of its sloping sections on its southern edge to find a Warthog, as well as an audio log, that is lying on the ground near several rectangle crates.
Next, they will go northwest of the same marker, where they will see another UNSC ship wreckage. From there, they will grapple up towards an elevated section of the ship until they will find another audio log that is nestled between a shelf of field units and a doorway.
Afterwards, they will go southeast of the same map marker, where they will see an another UNSC ship wreckage. From there, they will go to the southeast until they will saw a large section that consists of rear engines.
Then, they will search for the large, vertical slab of metal that is sticking out of the ground in the said section, where an audio log can be seen tucked inside of it.
Then, they will go to the East gun by heading along the southeastern edge of the map while avoiding most of the enemies. Once they are on the eastern part of the Pelican, they will see a ship wreckage, then they will follow the path around it to avoid contact with the Banished.
Once they get to the cliffs, along with the Zeta Halo's hexagonal structures, they will use their grapple to climb towards the top.
At the top of the cliff, they will be given a choice between a shot gun and an assault rifle for them to use to fend off enemies. Afterwards, they will need to do a long running jump across the cliff's gap, then by timing their grappleshot correctly, they will sling up to the cliff that is closer to the East AA Gun.
Afterwards, they will get several weapons, including the Hydra, and eliminate a number of enemies, including a Jackal sniper, where they need to take out quietly with a melee attack in order to grabs its Stalker rifle.
Afterwards, they need to snipe other Jackals on their way using the said rifle, as well as two Hunters, in order to head towards a Grav Lift Activation Terminal, where they will activate it before going to the Grav Lift itself.
Then, they will need to eliminate several more enemies while heading towards the said Grav Lift, where they will activate the AA gun at the terminal. After a cutscene, they will fire the gun's generator in the back of the room in order to destroy it, then they will need to escape from the said room.
Afterwards, they will do another audio log collection in order to proceed towards the North AA Gun. To do this, they will go south the East AA Gun battery, where a building that serves as an armory is located. From there, they will saw an audio log that is leaning against the northern interior wall.
Then, they will go towards the northeast of the said gun battery, where they will find two crashed Pelicans that are near the cliff's edge. They will circle around them, then enter the back of one that is closest to cliff before getting the audio log inside.
Next, they will grab a vehicle in order for their travel towards the North AA Gun faster, as well as to evade the multiple clusters of the Banished. Then, they will encounter several large hills that is set in the middle of a ship wreck.
From there, they will eliminate a couple of enemies before encountering a turret, which they need to destroy in order to proceed.
Much like the East AA Gun, they will need to eliminate several more enemies before activating the grav lift, which is right underneath the North AA Gun itself. Then, a cutscene will be played, and once again, they need to destroy the generator before evacuating the place.
For the West AA Gun, which is the last one that they need to destroy, they will first go to a tall mountain range that in the northern edge of the island, in between the West and the North AA Gun batteries. From there, they will get the audio log, as well as the Flexire Sniper Rifle.
Next, they head towards a small building that is on the hill to their left. They will head inside and search around the crates until they will see another audio log that is on the left side.
Then, they head towards the West AA Gun by either hoping in the vehicle they used to travel towards the North AA Gun battery, or by taking the high road on the north border where they will rescue few Marines while avoiding several Banished enemies by grappling along the hexes on the edge of the map.
Much like the previous two batteries, they need to eliminate more enemies before heading towards the grav lift, which is already activated. From there, they will need to hop to it in order to go towards the West AA Gun battery.
After taking the elevator, they need to run straight towards a building that has a ramp leading up to the gun battery. Once inside, they will get the audio log that is sitting on a table near the ramp to the upper level.
Afterward, they will destroy the generator of the West AA Gun battery before escaping, then they will head back towards the Pelican, where two Boss Fights awaits.
After clearing said Boss Fights, they will need to find the Pilot before clearing the mission. Once the mission is done, they will go to the southeastern part near the FOB Lima of the Reformation region until the saw a Mjolnir Armory amongst the metal constructs near the edge of the land.
From there, they will notice a lot of UNSC crates scattered on the ground. They will open them one by one until they got the Warmaster's Prize skin for Master Chief's Commando rifle.
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