"Attack on Titan" has dominated all platforms whether in its anime segment or its gaming counterpart. With the hiatus of season for its anime version, the attention has shifted to the game platform instead.
It is a given that the main characters are among the highly noticed features of the game. The story begins with the introduction of the titans and the havoc that they have caused to humanity. Polygon reported that in a world that's similar to the medieval era, Titans have mysteriously appeared who are essentially harbingers of the indomitable will of death, similar to zombies in many western tales.
For 100 years these walls held, until the Colossus Titan appeared and this gigantic creature that utterly destroyed the innermost wall and owing to that, humans were forced to act, humanity calls upon the three branches of their military, reports the same post.
What do Titans do on their off-time? Watch the Scout Regiment play football! ^-^ #AttackonTitan @FUNimation @koeitecmoeurope pic.twitter.com/8PcIigCUlO
— Attack On Titan Game (@AttackOnTitanKT) January 20, 2017
Known to many, the hero, Eren Yeager, his sister Mikasa as well as a whole host of other playable cast members come in and they are the ones taking center stage for both the gaming counterpart and anime arc of "Attack on Titan."
Attack on Titan Christmas DLCs!@KoeiTecmoUS #KTfamily https://t.co/XswzEoakWa pic.twitter.com/lJZN7jSA7l — Attack On Titan Game (@AttackOnTitanKT) November 23, 2016
While the specs and features of the game stands firm, its anime counterpart is being scrutinized for the delay of the season 2 of "Attack on Titan." Comic Book mentioned that when the anime arc was at its peak once the first season of its anime debuted, Isayama went on record about the franchise's secrets and he even appeared shared untold details about his creative process and his most famous work.
It was there that the beloved artist commented on how the Titans first came to him, so any enthusiast can thank one inconspicuous drunk for giving Isayama the idea, as noted by the same post.
For the gaming enthusiasts and anime followers of "Attack on Titan," there is more to the story than meets the eye. Stay tuned to GamenGuide for more updates about the game.