The upcoming "Attack on Titan" Season 2 will premiere on April 2017 and rumors surrounding its episodes are becoming more apparent. This time, it's Eren Yeager and his true identity while also being a member of the Survey Corps. According to recent spoilers, Eren when he was younger, his father injected him a serum that could possibly turn him to a Titan.
Coming off age, Eren is a Titan shifter that even his team in the Survey Corps fear. Several secrets in his family will also be discovered. Grisha Yeager's basement holds the secret to the Titans and Eren is tasked to keep the key to the basement. In the "Attack of Titan" Season 2, these secrets are about to be revealed, including Eren's reason for joining the Survey Corps.
Recent "Attack on Titan" Season 2 spoilers hat, the main purpose of the Survey Corps, is to find this particular Grisha's basement and unravel the secret of the Titans. Is Eren joining the military to intercept their moves? Also, there are missions that have to be accomplished in order to reach the basement and retrieve the information about the Titans.
Meanwhile, despite Eren holding the keys to the secret Grisha basement, he will also discover the secret of his half brother Zeke, also known as the Beast Titan. Zeke was first spotted when the Wall Rose was dominated by the Titans. According to reports, Zeke was responsible in turning some of the people into Titans.
Zeke, on "Attack of Titan" Season 2 will re appear in a manner by which, his half brother Eren knows what he has done in the past. A clash between the two Titans may happen, after all, Zeke is also responsible in the death of many soldiers, including 13th Commander Erwin Smith.
Don't miss the surprising revelations on the "Attack on Titan" season 2 anime series and make sure to read the latest spoilers here on GameNGuide.