Recent news and update for "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 centers on some presumptions that Sui Ishida, the creator of the anime has a new storyline with a different synopsis hidden from the world. Claims have also surfaced that Studio Pierrot is not thrilled with this notion at all.
Despite the demands to air "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3, there has been no direct details given by Studio Pierrot for its return. For the past two seasons, the anime segment fared well which is why the demand for its return is also high.
In a former post from Asia Starz, it relayed of the possibility that that "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 might not adhere to the storyline of the manga. However, with that presumption, there has not been any word that it would deviate from the storyline.
As for the rumors that that a new chapter is hidden by Sui Ishida and is set to appear in "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3, that remains unsettled as well. There has been no affirmation that a hidden chapter was prepared by Ishida.
As for the speculation that Ishia and Studio Pierrot are not on good terms, that rumor has been debunked as well. Studio Pierrot may have been mum regarding the air date of "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3, but it does not imply that it would not continue in producing the segment.
What's wrong... is the world!
— Tokyo Ghoul Pics (@TGPicAndVines) September 17, 2016
GamenGuide also reported of some possible scenarios that might take in the upcoming episodes of "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3. Even the death of Arima and the pain of rejection is set to dominate the scenes when the anime segment returns.
Given the rumored storyline, the creator and Studio Pierrot has not rendered any word regarding the upcoming return of "Tokyo Ghoul" Season 3 into the limelight. For the fans and followers, waiting is the only option until a precise date is given for Ken's return.