
‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News, Release Date & Update: Find Where Epic And Mythical Pokemons Such As Snorlax, Dratini, Lapras And Much More Are Spawning!

‘Pokemon GO’ Latest News, Release Date & Update: Find Where Epic And Mythical Pokemons Such As Snorlax, Dratini, Lapras And Much More Are Spawning!

Finding a rare Pokemon in "Pokemon GO" is hard, well that is why they are considered as rare Pokemons in the first place. What if we can give you a guide that will let you have an idea of where to spot your very first rare Pokemon? Details down below!

Here are several rare Pokemons in "Pokemon GO":


Is considered or a member of "Epic" type of Pokemons in "Pokemon GO." It is a fighting or kicking Pokemon and usually, you can spot Hitmonlee at a gym, sport stadiums or a park.


Also considered as an "Epic" Pokemon, this Pokemon very much depicts a boxer in the real world and a lot of "Pokemon GO" trainers claims of spotting a Hitmonchan also in gyms, sports stadiums or somewhere that physical activity can be done.


The Lapras is a transport type Pokemon in the Anime series but in "Pokemon GO" it is considered as an extremely rare Pokemon. In fact it is actually recorded as a "Mythical" Pokemon, same as the Mew! Most "Pokemon GO" trainers who own a Lapras testify on finding it at a pier, beach, lakes or any place or area where there is a body of water.


A dragon type Pokemon, the Dratini is enlisted as an "Epic" Pokemon which means it is an extreme catch based on the rarity of it in "Pokemon GO." Catching a Dratini can be so fulfilling, not only do you have a rare Pokemon in your collection but you can try to evolve it into a Dragonite, which is considered the strongest non-legendary Pokemon in "Pokemon GO," what a catch!


The sleeping giant, it is listed at 6 feet, 11 inches at 1014.1 pounds in Bulbapedia. A boy is this Pokemon a big catch as it is considered just like the Lapras and Mew as a Mythical Pokemon. Sadly, there is no common denominator of testimonies from Snorlax owners of where they have found the big fella. So if you have a Snorlax in your collection of Pokemons, you are one step ahead from the rest for being the very best!

Stay tuned here in GamenGuide for more "Pokemon GO" news! 

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