The long-awaited sequel to the 1983 film "Blade Runner" is finally coming in October 2017 and production will begin this July. The film will be directed by "Sicario" helmer Denis Villeneuve, with a story from Hampton Fancher and Michael Green. Set a few decades after the 1983 film, the film will be produced by Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove, with Frank Giustra and Tim Gamble taking over executive producer duties.
Back in May, Digital Spy reported that Gosling confirmed his starring role in the film, together with Harrison Ford. He said, "I can say that we start shooting in July, Harrison will be in and it's not a remake of the story, more an extension. I'm really excited because I'm a huge fan of the original - I think that, aside from Alien, it's one of the more important science fiction films ever."
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Academy Award nominee Barkhad Abdi is the latest addition to the cast of "Blade Runner 2," and the studio remains tight-lipped about his role or anything about the plot of the new movie. Abdi is best known for playing Abduwali Muse in the 2013 film "Captain Phillips," a role which earned him a number of award nominations, including one for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role category, and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor category.
Abdi will join Robin Wright, Mackenzie Davis, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, and Carla Juri. "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Spectre" star Dave Bautista is also part of the film, after he teased his role via a tweet of a photo of himself holding an origami of a unicorn, which appears in the hands of Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard at the end of the 1983 film.
I can't wait to share some really exciting news...
— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) April 2, 2016
"Blade Runner 2" is set for an October 6, 2017 release.