Easy Level-Up
This Glitch allows you to level up several of your stats as well as actual level. Ones Raisable : one handed, two handed, Archery, Destruction, Sneak and Restoration. In order to do this glitch travel to Riverwood, then look for Alvor and Sigrid's House. (Blacksmiths house) Go inside and look for Hadvar. When you see him ensure it is just you and him around. Then Enter Sneak mode and proceed to utilise the skills you wish to level up. He is immortal and will not react besides falling temporarily when out of health. I.e. No aggression to you or calling the guards.
Free house in Whiterun
Go into the castle and find Proventus Avenicci. For this glitch to work, you need to make sure he's by something you can store items in. (his bedroom has a wardrobe that's perfect for this glitch) Make sure you have 5000 gold and talk to him about buying the house. Select the answer "I'll take it" and immediately back out of the conversation. Then quickly open up the wardrobe and store all your gold in it. You'll receive the key to the house, and then you can retrieve all your gold from the wardrobe.
Free training for leveling up in combat skills
Go to Riverwood and get Faendal as your follower. Ask him to train you in archery and pay him the gold. After gaining a level talk to him and ask to trade with him. Take the gold back out of his inventory and then ask him to train another level. Rinse and repeat infinitely. This also works with any of the Companion followers who are also trainers in Whiterun. (Aela, Athis, Farkas, Njada and Vilkas)
Infinite EXP
At the beginning of the game, when your rescuer unbinds you they will not respond to attacks, you can exploit this to level archery or any combat ability on them with no consequence.
Infinite Money
Grab any Horse and Carriage to Winterhold. Once at Winterhold, turn right immediately. Travel Southwest from Winterhold to a location called "Sightless Pit". Just above Slightless Pit a little higher on the mountain (not much higher) you will see a alter with a skeleton on it, beside the skeleton is a book called "The Doors to Oblivion". Pick up the book, and kill the skeleton on the table, Two other skeletons will rise around the alter, kill these as well. Return to the Skeleton near where you picked up the book, and loot it's body, take everything, and loot again, you'll notice the book on this skeleton continually re-appears, giving you an unlimited supply of "The Doors of Oblivion" worth 50 gold each. Every time you view the Skeletons inventory, even if you do not remove the book, adds 1 book to the skeletons inventory.
Infinite skill level up glitch
First a requirement for this glitch is Oghma Infinium (acquired from the daedric quest 'Discerning the Transmundane') that is in your inventory and not read and a book shelf (found in breezehome after getting the alchemy lab upgrade). Save before going further. what you want to do is go to the book shelf and read the book and choose your skill set. close the book but do not exit the bookshelf. store the book into the bookshelf and then exit it. Take the book off the shelf and select the option (Do not read). repeat the process until desired.
Invisible Dawnstar Chest
In Dawnstar, just left of the entrance to Iron-Breaker Mine, are a tree and three rocks. Approach the rock in the back and look down at it and you will receive a prompt to open a chest. Do so and you will find large quantities of equipment (both enchanted and standard), gold, crafting consumables and potions. These items will improve in quality as your level increases. The chest is tied to the salable inventory of the Khajit Ahkari. Ahkari wanders Skyrim with her caravan, but can be easily found outside Dawnstar. If you Fast Travel to Dawnstar, she will be in the tent immediately behind you. If you do not see the group, Wait until she is there. There are two ways to respawn the chest. If you wait 48 in-game hours her inventory will restock, restocking the chest's contents as well. Alternately, you can save the game next to Ahkari, then kill her. Reload the save you just made and view her inventory. It will have restocked along with the chest's contents!
Permanently duplicate one item
A mannequin can duplicate any one piece of visible apparel (armor, clothes, rings, etc) indefinitely. To do this, go to the mannequin, store the visible armor, and exit out the menu. The mannequin should disappear, pardoning the hands. Go back into the mannequin, and equip any other piece of equipment that is a different type than the one you want to dupe. (if you want to dupe a chest piece, do no put another chest piece on it). Then exit out of the menu. The mannequin should still be invisible. Go back into the menu, and take back the piece you want to dupe. The mannequin should become visible with the second piece of armor on it. Leave the area, and re-enter. Your mannequin should be invisible again. When you check it again, it will still have a copy of the armor that you took off of it. Exit and re-enter whenever you want another copy. One thing to note, is that the mannequin will now always have that one thing on them, and I have yet to find a way to change what it dupes. So basically your one item will be "imprinted" onto the mannequin permanently.
Infinite Arrows
If you pickpocket someone who shoots target dummies with arrows and take whatever arrows they were using (usually iron or steel) and give them 1 of the arrow type you want infinite of, they will shoot that type of arrow instead. Just collect them as they hit the dummy and you can build up a nice stockpile.
Trophies - There are 35 Bronze Trophies, 14 Silver Trophies, 1 Gold Trophy, and 1 Platinum Trophy
Adept (Bronze) - Reach Level 10
Alduin's Wall (Bronze) - Complete 'Alduin's Wall'
Apprentice (Bronze) - Reach Level 5
Artificer (Bronze) - Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
Bleak Falls Barrow (Bronze) - Complete 'Bleak Falls Barrow'
Blessed (Bronze) - Select a Standing Stone blessing
Blood Oath (Bronze) - Become a member of the Circle
Bound Until Death (Bronze) - Complete 'Bound Until Death'
Citizen (Bronze) - Buy a house
Daedric Influence (Bronze) - Acquire a Daedric Artifact
Darkness Returns (Bronze) Complete 'Darkness Returns'
Delver (Silver) - Clear 50 dungeons
Diplomatic Immunity (Bronze) - Complete 'Diplomatic Immunity'
Dragon Hunter (Bronze) - Absorb 20 dragon souls
Dragon Soul (Bronze) - Absorb a dragon soul
Dragonslayer (Gold) - Complete 'Dragonslayer'
Elder Knowledge (Bronze) - Complete 'Elder Knowledge'
Expert (Bronze) - Reach Level 25
Explorer (Silver) - Discover 100 Locations
Gatekeeper (Bronze) - Join the College of Winterhold
Glory of the Dead (Silver) - Complete 'Glory of the Dead'
Golden Touch (Silver) - Have 100,000 gold
Hail Sithis! (Silver) - Complete 'Hail Sithis!'
Hard Worker (Bronze) - Chop wood, mine ore, and cook food
Hero of Skyrim (Silver) - Capture Solitude or Windhelm
Hero of the People (Bronze) - Complete 50 Misc Objectives
Married (Bronze) - Get married
Master (Silver) - Reach Level 50
Master Criminal (Bronze) - Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds
Oblivion Walker (Silver) - Collect 15 Daedric Artifacts
One with the Shadows - (Silver) Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Collect all other 50 Trophies for this
Reader (Bronze) Read 50 Skill Books
Revealing the Unseen (Bronze) Complete 'Revealing the Unseen'
Sideways (Bronze) - Complete 10 side quests
Skill Master (Silver) - Get a skill to 100
Snake Tongue (Bronze) - Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate
Standing Stones (Silver) - Find 13 Standing Stones
Take Up Arms (Bronze) - Join the Companions
Taking Care of Business (Bronze) - Join the Thieves Guild
Taking Sides (Bronze) - Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army
The Eye of Magnus (Silver) - Complete 'The Eye of Magnus'
The Fallen (Bronze) - Complete 'The Fallen'
The Way of the Voice (Bronze) - Complete 'The Way of the Voice'
Thief (Silver) - Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
Thu'um Master (Silver) - Learn 20 shouts
Unbound (Bronze) - Complete 'Unbound'
Wanted (Bronze) - Escape from jail
War Hero (Bronze) - Capture Fort Sungard or Fort Greenwall
With Friends Like These... (Bronze) - Join the Dark Brotherhood
Words of Power (Bronze) - Learn all three words of a shout
CHEATS: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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