
Assassin's Creed Unity Patch 4 Shown To Improve Performance With Better Frame Rates, Still Not Running At Solid 30 FPS [VIDEO]

Assassin's Creed Unity Patch 4 Shown To Improve Performance With Better Frame Rates, Still Not Running At Solid 30 FPS

As most know by now, Assassin's Creed Unity launched with quite a few issues. There were plenty of bugs and graphical glitches, which have slowly been resolved over a series of patches.

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Sound familiar? It's an all too common theme for big titles this year, but at least games can be fixed after launch if they start broken. Obviously, it would be ideal if they just worked (perhaps developers are even banking on the fact that fixes can be made after launch?), but it's better than a permanently broken game.

Assassin's Creed Unity's newest patch has been proven to improve the game's performance, according to an analysis by Eurogamer's Digital Foundry. The third patch didn't seem to make much of a difference, but he 6.7 GB forth patch has made measurable improvements. Ubisoft did state that the team was "refurbishing" parts of Paris to increase performance, and it seems the work paid off.

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DF reports an increase of up to 5 frames per second in crowded areas, with the PS4 in particular benefitting from the update (it had catching up to do--the Xbox One version was already slightly smoother). As a result, the Xbox One title isn't majorly improved, but it is better than before--both versions are smoother, but still not running at a solid 30fps. Given that standard bar would be expected at launch, it's pretty telling that Ubisoft still has not reached it after several patches.

The video below demonstrates the upgrades made in the PS4 version, showing a smoother experience (even if it's not clear what exactly has been changed--Ubisoft said it was replacing portions of Paris' models and textures to optimize the game). Check out the difference for yourself below, and an Xbox One vs PS4 comparison here--thanks Digital Foundry!

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