'Star Wars: Attack Squadron' Cancelled: Cinematic Dogfighting Game Shuts Down Beta, Shutters Hangar Doors

Star Wars Attack Squadron Cancelled

Star Wars fans will once again be unable to complete their Death Star run nor weave in and out of the legs of AT-ATs. Today, Disney and developer Area 52 have announced that after the beta of their free-to-play aerial combat "stardog fighting" game Star Wars: Attack Squadrons they will stop production on the game entirely.

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The game was announced last December and opened for the closed beta in January. If you head to the site, starwarsattacksquadrons.com, all that's left is the message from the game developers:

"We want to thank all of the fans who participated in the closed beta of Star Wars: Attack Squadrons. After much consideration, we have decided to cease development so that we can focus on other Star Wars game experiences. We truly appreciate the time you spent engaging in the beta."

Nothing more definitive than that, though sources suspect that once again, EA has come baring its ugly teeth. The gaming giant signed an exclusivity deal with Disney Mobile, who were overseeing the game, which meant EA would be developing all Star Wars games for the "core audiences", and if you think flying around your own X-Wing or TIE Fighter isn't something a member of any audience, core or otherwise, would want, then I have a bridge to sell you.

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Star Wars: Attack Squadrons, if completed, would have allowed players to customize their own starships, such as the rebel X-Wing or Imperial TIE fighter and feature 16 player interstellar madness. As with the passing of Starcraft: Ghost, we mourn for what might've been.

Watch the teaser trailer and get sad...

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