(Photo : CampFire Studio / Screenshot taken from Steam)
There are a lot of resources that players can find in "Soulmask," including Clay, which is needed to craft a variety of items, such as furniture and decorative items.
In order to get enough Clay to craft everything that you need to make your home feel livelier in the game, you will need a lot of resources. This guide helps players learn how to get a lot of Clay fast in "Soulmask."
How To Get Clay
There are many different ways to get Clay in "Soulmask," one of which is gathering it from the overworld. A lot of clay veins can be found close to rivers and lakes throughout the game's map.
This makes it particularly useful to place your base near a body of water in order to take advantage of the various resources it provides. It is important to note that clay veins look very much like other stone veins but are just a darker shade of color, according to Game Rant.
Despite this, clay veins are easy to break with the use of a pickaxe to get the Clay that you want from them. You will also be able to gather various resources near bodies of water while looking for Clay, so it is recommended that you harvest everything that you can.
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How To Use Clay
After you get a lot of Clay from veins near bodies of water, you can finally start making use of these resources to craft a variety of items. These include Wells, Furnaces, and Stone Pillars, which all have their own uses, The Gamer said.
You will be able to unlock more advanced crafting options as you progress through "Soulmask" and will be able to use Clay to craft pottery items, such as Bowls and Cups. These are important for storing other resources, such as food, water, and beverages.
Other Things To Know
When looking for bodies of water for potential clay veins, their size does not necessarily matter. This is because as long as there is water, you have a chance of finding clay veins from which to gather Clay.
One way to differentiate clay veins from other veins is that the former has a shiny, wet look to it. You will be able to get about three to five pieces of Clay from every vein, which means you will have to look for a lot of bodies of water to gather sufficient Clay for many recipes, according to Dot Esports.
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