(Photo: Digital Eclipse / Screenshot taken from Steam)
The latest patch for "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind," update 1.0.4, is now available on the Nintendo Switch.
The newest update for the game introduces a variety of gameplay improvements and adjustments that make the overall gaming experience smoother. Developer Digital Eclipse also said that it has submitted an "online" patch to Nintendo and will share further updates soon.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind Update
When the online patch has been activated, it will become a free update for all platforms on which "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind" is playable. Currently, the game does not support cross-platform play, which forces players to stick with the game on their platform.
The full patch notes for the latest update detail everything that the developers have added and changed in the game. The patch comes as "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind" was released on Nintendo's handheld console last week and has been widely successful, according to Nintendo Life.
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The latest patch was designed after the developers heard players' suggestions and feedback regarding the game. Some of the brawler gameplay changes include all Rangers now moving faster, which includes both walk and dash speeds.
Additionally, the Rangers' grab-and-grab attack speed has been increased, and they can now perform the Dodge move without incurring any cooldown. However, the Dodge move will only make you vulnerable to the initial frames of the animation.
Various Adjustments and Improvements
The patch also changes enemy behavior in the game, such as Time Disruptors. They are now easier to hit and destroy compared to before. It is also worth noting that food pickups are now dropped more evenly, which is a boon for players who were struggling to complete Rita's Rewind goals, Game Rant said.
Furthermore, the new patch adjusts Hard Mode so that enemies will have the same health as their Normal Mode counterparts but will deal much more damage. Players can now switch between NPC Rangers at the Juice Bar while enjoying updated and localized dialogue on arcade machines.
For Zord and Megazord gameplay, the update makes all machine gun fire, including from bunkers, turrets, and flying ships, dealing less damage. Additionally, gravity has been reduced when jumping to make it easier to jump across pits.
Furthermore, if you fall down a pit, you will no longer lose your life, and some pits have additional ledges for landing. Whenever several players fight a particular boss, and some reach a Game Over state, the boss's difficulty will scale, according to Go Nintendo.
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