(Photo : Capcom / Screenshot taken from official website)
Alatreon is one of the more iconic enemies in the Monster Hunter franchise. This Elder Dragon makes its return in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
This monster has complete control over all five base elements that exist in the game. It can shift between elements that can sometimes catch hunters off guard. This is primarily because it becomes immune to the element that it is currently in.
Alatreon is considered one of the harder monsters to beat in the game. This guide helps hunters figure out how to slay this iconic monster. It also teaches you how to deal with its devastating Supernova attack.
Alatreon's Strengths and Weaknesses
The first thing you should prepare for is what equipment to use against this menacing Elder Dragon. Since Alatreon shifts elements mid-fight, you will have to contend with dealing less than ideal damage at some point no matter what weapon you choose, according to Republic World.
But when it comes to monster part weaknesses, Alatreon is weak to attacks to its forelegs, horns, and tail. Targeting these parts lets you deal as much damage as you can. The horns in particular are important because they are directly related to the Supernova attack.
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Dealing With the Supernova
Alatreon's Supernova attack, known as Escaton Judgement, is this monster's most devastating attack and can one-shot hunters at nearly any HP level. You need to hit the monster's horn with elemental damage that it is weak to. This reduces the damage the attack deals to a survivable level, Game Rant said.
Other Tips
Taking all of these into consideration, Alatreon is still a difficult monster to slay due to how easily you can cart. Having some good skills also makes the fight a little bit easier, such as Evade Window and Health Boost.
Having more health than normal can let you survive Escaton Judgement for longer, giving you more time to consume something like a Max Potion. Another useful skill to have against Alatreon is Blight Resistance.
Due to the monster having access to all of the base elements, you always have to keep a lookout for blights. While you are still trying to learn how to fight Alatreon, having blight resistance is a massive quality-of-life change.
It lets you take your mind off of eating nulberries and instead focus on attacking Alatreon. Felyne Skills should also be considered ahead of the fight. Things like Felyne Insurance give you more chances to finish the quest, according to the Reno Gazette Journal.
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