The Finals, the free-to-play arena shooter that people have been raving about since its release, is now celebrating the Holidays with a more festive UI, a freshly overhauled map, and a free gift for those who log in this season.
The free gift pack contains items that are fit for Christmas, including a Santa Hat and a thank you message from the developers at Embark Studios, among other things. Players can get their free gifts by logging into the game before January 3, 2024.
Map Fit for the Holidays
The developers have made a visual overhaul of the Monaco map to celebrate the Holidays. Players who engage in battle on the said map will find that the place is now covered in snow, with a huge Christmas Tree in the middle, and some decorations sprinkled all throughout.
What's more, the free gift pack mentioned earlier comes with a cosmetic that turns the players' grenades into a Christmas Ball. Perhaps the devs want to tone down the violence, at least, a little bit.
Celebrate the holidays in THE FINALS! Tumble around in a snowy Monaco, get unique holiday cosmetics, and cause mayhem and destruction in the world's most festive game show.
❄️🎅💥⛄️#REACHTHEFINALS pic.twitter.com/fCygvgVHfb— THE FINALS (@reachthefinals) December 20, 2023
Read Also: Embark Studios Bolsters Anti-Cheat in The Finals After Game Was Plagued with Hackers
Anti-Cheat Improvements
Not long ago, players have been asking for The Finals developers to do something about the cheaters running amok. The dev team did say that it is working to fix the issues that allowed the hackers to populate online matches.
Fortunately, the wait is finally over as the developers deployed a new update that brought improvements to the game's anti-cheat detection system. Hopefully, the tweaks made are enough to thwart hackers from ruining the game for everyone.
Uh Oh, Nerfs!
It appears that some players may have used certain weapons in The Finals more often than others, which prompted the developers to implement balancing adjustments to change things up.
One of the weapons that got nerfed hard is the RPG-7. This is a popular rocket launcher that can kill enemies in an explosive fashion. That said, it received a number of nerfs that make it less effective than before.
For starters, the RPG-7's max damage has been reduced from 165 to 150. Its minimum damage also took a hit because it has decreased from 90 down to 80. This next adjustment hurts because the max damage radius got nerfed from 2.5 meters to just 1.5 meters. This means that players will have to fire rockets more accurately if they want to kill "Light" targets with one shot.
The RPG-7 is not the only thing that was nerfed in Patch 1.4.0. The C4 has its max player damage and damage radius reduced to 210 and 1.6 meters, respectively.
Mesh Shield
Mesh Shield Health reduced to 1100 from 1250
Dome Shield
Dome Shield health reduced to 300 from 350
Gas Mine, Glitch Mine, and Pyro Mine
Added arming time of 1.6 seconds
Mine max player damage reduced to 140 from 160
Mine damage radius reduced to 3.5m from 4m
Mine arming time added (1.6 seconds)
Reduced instances where you unintentionally climbed on objects outside of the player's view.
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck without being able to give input
Prevented placement of ziplines on pickupables
Polish to the social screen, which now hides the "Invite to party" button when you are not the party leader
Added a warning to the UI that appears when players are in danger of being AFK kicked
Player health bars now use the squad color when selected in the settings
The Finals Patch 1.4.0 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
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