Heroes of the Storm went into maintenance mode a long time ago, which meant that the company is less likely to add new major content to the game. Although that was the case for over a year, Blizzard has released a massive update recently, which contains heaps of technical improvements, hero adjustments, and bug fixes.
What Has Changed?
The latest patch for Heroes of the Storm brought improvements that changed certain aspects of the game in more ways than one.
Back then, players were clamoring for a way to zoom the camera further away from their heroes. This is supposed to be a core feature in MOBA games, especially during team clashes where things can be so chaotic. Because of this limitation, Heroes of the Storm players would often have a hard time seeing anything on the screen. Well, the latest update has addressed that by now allowing players to pan the camera further away from the hero, up to a certain point.
Aside from that, some major changes have been implemented to ARAM, aka the "All Random, All Mid" game mode. It looks like players cannot gain experience by defeating minions anymore. Instead, they have to pick up Experience Globes to level up. To compensate for this, Blizzard has double the experience points players receive from each globe from 80 to 160.
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Hero Changes
How about the adjustments to certain heroes? Alarak has been updated from Hard to Very Hard. The company acknowledges that Alarak is a bit too difficult for some players, particularly when trying to utilize his Discord Strike and Telekinesis to full effect.
In addition, Alarak's Lightning Surge and Deadly Charge abilities can now reveal targets for a couple of seconds.
Most of Cho'Gall's abilities can now reveal targets for two seconds as well. This includes Consuming Blaze, Shadowflame, and Runic Blast, to name a few.
Patch Notes
Game Camera
Camera Follow releash timer increased from 6 seconds to 12 seconds.
User Interface
Floating text display for last hits updated to golden display.
Fixed an issue that allowed the Active Ability Hotkey Buttons to be dragged in the Hotkey Menu.
Toxic Nest will no longer reveal attackers to Abathur during the Arming phase.
Locust damage will no longer display as a critical against Structures. The damage bonus remains unaltered.
Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to grant stacks of Dynamic Optics while Blinded or if the target is Evading.
Fixed an issue that caused Blink Heal to heal Vehicles when cast on them.
Invisible Friends will now preview the total healing that will be provided.
Fixed an issue that caused D.Va's AI to not activate Self-Destruct.
Fixed an issue that caused D.Va to be ejected early if the Mech takes select types of damage after being slain.
Aggression Matrix will now display floating text for the healing prevented.
D.Va is now capable of pinging her Self-Destruct charge to her team.
Phase Bomb Splash now triggers Physical Attack-limited on-hit effects(meaning Block charges being consumed, Medivh's Raven Familiar firing if the target is a Hero).
Fixed an issue that caused Frost Bolt to continue to deal damage after it has hit the maximum number of targets with Frost Shards selected.
Fixed an issue that caused Blessed Momentum's Attack Speed bonuses to stack multiplicatively with other Attack Speed bonuses and maluses.
Fixed an issue that caused Frag Launcher to hit Invulnerable enemies.
Fixed an issue that caused Frag Launcher to gain more than intended damage from Hero hits.
Fixed an issue that caused Invigorating Spores to be capable of activating on-death effects multiple times on enemies.
Fixed an issue that caused Invigorating Spores to deal damage while Blinded or if the target is Evading.
The full patch notes can be found on the Heroes of the Storm official website.
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